Thursday, 29 November 2012

The St. George Literary eve

Tatjana Oset, the directress; the lovely singing lady whose name I have to re-check; moi, Asta the mediator and Drej.

Like I said, the event was positively lovely. It's always different when they stage it somewhere where you're known. In this case Drej knew a lot more people, obviously, as she grew up here and called all the librarian ladies by their first names, but it's safe to say people there are somewhat even more familiar to me than the people where I grew up in. You can tell when a work environment is comfortable - same work there for the duration of a lifetime. In our city library staff changed all the time. Nobody particularly liked others. We just had very cool books. 
            It remains in my nature to feel more at home with books then I do with people. Every time I lost sight of Drej or Asta, I hid among the shelves. I get frightened. Not like a weeping idiot frightened but like 'just let me read a book an leave me alone' frightened. Until the General came and I could see him in the audience, even though he was still feeling poorly from the shot, I was okay. Other than that I had to focus on texts. 

            First we had a sort of prep interview with Asta. She a pretty art history major who's about to get a doctorate and it's always cool to be treated as an author by someone who knows what you're talking about rather than just random folk doing their job. Funny, my favorite media interview was done in St. George, too. And as it turned out, Drej and I make a really cool duo even in front of an audience. We laughed and told funny stories about how our books are made and it really was very friendly. The audience regarded us as if we, quite literally, grew up on the same knoll and were proud of us. My sister-in-law and her little ones came, which was again very nice. I don't get so scared when I am in front of familiar faces. Also some people that I may have insulted at some point came, too, probably because they were curious. 

            In the end, after Drej read her chapter, I decided not to read from the Under Zurnizip, but Why is the Earth not Missed essay from The Gorgonaut. I had to improvise in-situ, because it's not fully formed yet. I had it in one of the earlier drafts and when Drej and Asta were talking about how old these books already feel and we've read them so many times, I got the idea to take a leap of faith and just kind of bend the rule somewhat. I read it to all of those who already read Under Zurnizip. It's about detachment from reality and passion and hubris. All of my work is about detachment from reality and passion and hubris. I am really starting to miss reading from the next one :)))

              Gen-Gen took the pickies this time and I must say he's a natural :D <3  >.< Love. 
             One thing I have to teach him is that when doing a reportage, you don't do it from the back of the room but in the faces of people you're portraying. :)) Shyness bucket. :D Also, there was a young lady who sand folk songs. Except for the fact that I really don't like music and find it difficult to endure, she sang really, really lovely. I asked her if she ever just sings to her mate. She smiled. Oh, yes.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

"Grass grows, Sun shines, Birds fly and Brother, I hurt people.."

... And it's on. Horde has landed. It looks like Garrosh is the worst of greed-mad warchiefs, like, ever...
 ----- but do raise you hand, if you somehow don't fall for the Vol'jin's hearty cry to to get him shot in the back.
         Dude. I've been doing this for eight years. Like I wouldn't know a scheming creep when he tried to manipulate me into killing a ruler.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Back from the literary evening; will post pickies tomorrow. Tired. It was lovely. Met some cool people that I would like to see again over cake and coffee :D And my love was there, finally, for the first time. I get so scared in crowds sometimes, feeling so exposed, and then I see his face, his eyes locked on me, and I grow into a giant again. 

In other news, 5.1 patch arrived tomorrow and Garrosh is landing in Pandaria. Ding dong the beginning of the end.

Now off to bed. Super sleepy. 
Who am I kidding. I got to do the dailies first.

... But arrrrr, my account has ran out of subscription time. Twice a year this happens and it happens TODAY??
And I think one of my wisdom teeth is growing.
What a day. 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

I like listening to this song today:
I like the drums :) Will make it easy to choreograph the stomping catwalk in army boots.

Am calibrating myself to the semifinal editing of the travel book by writing Garrosh adventure stories :) Here's my this year's winter soul. (It's actually my summer spirit, because as soon as the skies turn grey around here, I get the tendency to sleep on beaches and walk around with very few things in my bag.  

Girl on fire

Went to the Terazza club again this Friday, one week after the fashion show, to shoot the DJ. Felt funny, like I never left :)) This time I was not the boss, though. And it's ridiculous in how much pain I am from loud music. It hurts my head, my lungs, my very tooth fillings. Probably if I drank or got high, the awful noise would not be as apparent and I would dance or something. But truly I am not exposed to such thing willingly. It gets really scary when stuff like 'battery out' or 'card full' happen. Then I lose my force field, my magic shield, and the world comes rushing in. 
            Up until that happened (and I am not the tyope to come home at 2am.), I was taking shots of Anja dancing. I soo like this effect lately. I really have to learn how to do a beauty shot in this....

Monday, 19 November 2012

The Audition Finale


The Audition thingie is done. It was remarkably hectic and fulfilling. ‘Tech’ stood up to it’s horrific reputation :D Loved it, all of it. Of course after the pinnacle of the show, there was some fallout drama :D Not the unexpected kind, of course. The people who didn't win were angry, then sorry, then defeated. I’ve been avoiding social sites, but here’s a word to the young: when you get yourself manipulated into saying something angry for someone, when the blowback comes and that someone you were speaking for turns against you in a second, don’t come crying to the people you were speaking against. The tiny winner was adorable, tearful and whatnot. The whole catalogue. It hurt a little that she, when thanking the staff, forgot to thank the photographer, but there you have it. People get pretty pretty pictures and I get the fuck off. Welcome to my life. The part that involves other people. All my kindness is always so thoroughly wasted. Don't know why I don't just drop the patience. This is the ironic part. Thing is I find myself trying really hard to deliver my part of the deal and make people feel good about themselves with the results. All those hours and hours, days and days editing shots so that there’s no pimples, dimples, odd hair, marks, lard, ugly knees, heavy lids, lifeless eyes, uneven lips or lack of luster, and nobody cares. That’s me. Just pressing the big button. I am cooled by the professional weight of my machine as much as Mark is warmed by my grip. Everything else is just light and geometry thrown against us. 

And of course my favorite part of any aftermath is people telling me how thing should have been done instead. Not colleagues, oddly enough, but people who have never in their entire existence had any professional dealings with neither fashion nor shots not shows. Those are the smartest. I love being talked to as if I’m a retarded four-year old. 

Bottom line, I really liked the finale. I was really proud of us. We got really far. The girls had a great time, I think. The designers were happy. The proprietress was happy. I shot loads of mid-step takes, which I’m trying to perfect into a recognizable style. And if I find there’s anything in it for me other than ungrateful forgetfulness and insatiable ‘is this all there is, isn’t there any more?’, I’m really looking forward to the next attempt at greatness. 


Monday, 12 November 2012

Platinum / final shoot for the September Audition

Location: Klub Platinum, Žalec
Design: Marita Narobe
MUAe: Apolonija Koštomaj, Tina Teršek, Andreja Jezernik, Martina Hladin
Hair: Maya Kerin

This was the final shoot for the Audition three finalists (and three of the previous contestants.) It was in a spacey bubbly club in the next town. Lovely place. The clothes were hot and the three girls really brought it. The announcement of the winner is in Friday, after the fashion show. (Which i am directing.)  I have to say, now that we have stopped fighting and things have shifted gear, this has become really fun. Of course it has - five days before the ending...

The editorial spreads for the finalists girls: Lara, Laura and Maruša