These pics are from 1978... But the thing is, I REMEMBER these streets. I remember everything about them. Here, I'll show you...
This street connects the main street and the Train station (there's a big square up ahead, with the Union theatre.) On the right, we have a travel agency, which in a sense is still there. On the right you had a shoe store with the only escalator in the entire city, until they added one to a shop called T. Further on the left is the continence of the shoe shop, called Peko, which also miraculously still lingers somewhere else, and on the right is Majolka, an old, mildly unpopular restaurant that my sister worked in but refuses to comment on it(in fact, as she so often does, she starts screaming and throwing things to make a point like a retard), so nobody knows why - if she even had a reason - she hated it. Maybe they used meat or something. Or salt. Who the fuck cares.

This is the main street. On the right was the famous Železninar - the iron store. This is where you bought anything remotely related to machinery - I was here all the time, cause my grandma constantly needed nails. Lightbulbs, locks, chains, anything you needed, not only you got here, but it was made to last. Up until today. Which it did, except for the store. Once the malls moved in, the old stores went out. On the left is merx, one of the first corporations, but this is one of their small cafes and the one thing I remember is they had amazing whipped cream. Which i ate off the spoon from my mum's tiny coffee. People drank it, standing up around a tall round table. I couldn't reach. But my first coffee cream. Yummm!
The banners are promoting the week of domestic movies. For a while people really liked making movies in this country and some of them were actually watchable, and for a week we would screen them all. It was a huge thing for culture in this town. We were very proud of it.
Further still is a barber and hairdresser's shop, Marko - oddly, still existing... and behind it aero - a stationary store that sold all you'll ever need for scool. The factory that made it wasn't far away, and their products were top notch. Endless, really. Waaaay down behind it is Soča (after a pretty river), which more less is still here, a grocery store.On the left is a lady's hairdresser, no idea what happened to that, and across the road the Metropol.

This is the square before the train station. This building was made by the Germans once they occuptied the city (and later the Brits bombed it) and on the right was this huuuge furniture shop. And the place was still a parking lot with these tiny cobblestones.. You never had any trouble finding parking space, cause there really weren't all that many cars back then. Everyone drove a Lada or a Fiat (we had a Fiat) or a Škoda... The pointy-nose cars were the Citroens.. Pretty much everyone wore these odd raincoats, also. We were upper class, so my mum wore fur coats, but my family was kind of respected, because they were okay people. Grandpa was a doctor, grandma made amazing hats for all the ladies, mum was a schollar and a journalist, dad was odd, but very friendly. Every time we'd walk anywhere, it would take for every, because people talked on the streets a lot. Pass the posters and before the old station building, the point of this photo is the Union theater. This was the other theater and I was here 40% of my theater time. For such a tiny city, we certainly had MANY really posh theaters.
This one, also, is now closed. The ballroom still exists and they throw a neat show there from time to time. Last i've been was a stand-up, the time before a fashion show and supposedly you have good parties here. But those are not my forte :)
If they post any more, I'll steal those, too and subtitle them :D