Sunday, 28 July 2019

Upcoming series: "Things you find in a deep dark forest..."
I know I am about two centuries late on the whole driftwood bandwaggon, but ... I see now what the thrill is about 😍

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Drilling, filling ... :D

Friday, 26 July 2019

Fully aware I am a bit late to the party .. probably a decade or three, but I spent all morning collecting driftwood for possible driftwood palettes. No idea what will come of it. But I have this concept in mind, kind of touching on things you would bring back from a deep dark forest (in a pixie way, not creepy way), where some of the more awesome paints will find their place as kind of really unique gift sets. Anyway, dunno. Let me try and I'll either post the results or burn them :D

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Cleaning my old keyboard...

How weird the brain is ... It's been about a month since I started using the keyboard mystery system on the yogapad and the new gaming keyboard G game me ... And already the brain cell's forgotten the one I've been using for years... A slightly better at ten-finger typing, tho... Also here I can rotate the keys as well as I like. Until I've broken all the tiny teeth, at least ...

Monday, 22 July 2019

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Pumpkin is back! Fucker killed something this time around, too ...

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Spurred by the previous post, I set to try and make my own mesmerising meshes...

Gold green

Friday, 19 July 2019

First taste of the infamous Daniel Smith gouaches..

... It's like an orgasm, but with paper instead of a labia and retina instead of clit. 

Thursday, 18 July 2019

I am thinking if I was ever to hit on Sephiroth, THIS is the only look that would get me anywhere, because it is the utmost opposite of his ....

... because there are some types of evil crazy out there, you can only face with a tremendous amount of nerdish idealism and math.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Some of these could stop a night train ... :D

Is it better to get divorced or to lose a loved one?

I think I finally know. I think divorce is worse. 'Cause if a loved one dies, then that's just a person, love remains and all you had together remains warm and bright. A divorce takes all of it - the person, the love, the memories, the future. It leaves you feeling barren. Death is cruel and tragic, but it's not barren.

Come ON ... someone threw out NINE of my Pokemone from gyms?? NINE?

Tuesday, 16 July 2019


500eur ...  plus
New camera
Wide lens - Sirokokotni objektiv (Street) za Canon
New phone

250 - 500eur
Wide lens - Sirokokotni objektiv (Street) za Canon (Tamron?)
Gossamer Gear The Two tent

100 - 250eur
Peak Design druga generacija (2nd gen) messenger everyday camera bag 15'
Camo Kumo backpack
Altra Lone Peak 4 shoes*
'The Slate'

50 - 100eur
I roved out (book, but a sexy one)
Facehugger plushie,

25 - 50eur
Neza Mauer: Nekaj zelo lepega
Mewtwo plushie
Hiking umbrella under 225 grams

1 - 25eur

Boni za Art
Funko Pop: Night King, Jareth, Illidan,
Daniel Smith Watercolors
(Piemontite Genuine, Undersea Green, Phthalo Torquise, Cascade Green, Lunar Violet, Lunar black ...)
Schmincke watercolors
(Rutile yellow, Quinacridone gold hue, Turner's yellow, Yellow orange, Geranium red, Vermilion light, Quinacridone red light, Perylene dark red, Ruby red deep...)
Pigmenti (Samson kamnik)*
Pearl Ex pigmenti (Hobby&Art Kranj)

Monday, 15 July 2019

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Oh, shittens, my master light's died. What a weird feeling. 

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Do you know that the last time I even *opened* the Prometheus poem was in 2014? Mother of gerbils...

Fuck does time fly between quality ideas.

Back to block

Back. It's crazy how fast that week went around ... None of the things I said I will see I saw and of the nine people I wanted to drink with I had coffee with four. Three of those days were spent indoors writing, of which I got MOST of the text down. Second most 'fuck you' line of the text: "It's a little hard to threaten someone who's had sex with Sephiroth AND Mewtwo." I know. Tolstoi is kicking himself.

Two items sold during, shipped by now and I went to visit my bruh's grave and went to a marketing seminar and walked a LOT. Took photos of four different atlases, the horse of which looks surreal, like a mask of a forest creature. Will post more pickies. Tried learning how to type a wee better, gimme another while ... The PC keyboard G gave me happens to have the exact same system as the one on the yogabook, so albeit I am not too quick to keep it, I have nothing to use on gaming keyboard other than the... keys ... but here are advantages.

G and I fucked so much once we got through the door, we invented a new position. I am serious, I don't think anyone's ever done this pose because I certainly haven't and trust me, I subscribe to a LOT of informative sites. Do not even know how to describe it. But it is a goooood pose for a small female and a large male, if you want to also use your hands. There are 245 sex positions in Kama Sutra and this one is not listed. Just saying. We were THAT 'ye, I missed you a little, but I was too busy to really dwell on it ... ah, fuck it, take, take me now ...'

We seem to have two new plants in the house. I don-'t trust them. They look nice in the beginning, but then things start to grow on them and next thing you know a cat eats the pepper and explodes.

Started watching Stranger Things 3. Will admit that Louis XIV. pool boy who now seems to be the main antagonist, besides Russians and creepy things, is not my type but I suppose I will soon be that age when he could be. 

G's Real World kid finally graduated, so that's a reason to have four buckets of spicy chicken wings in our favorite restaurant and then dessert. And G had his first honey harvest, although WHERE the little fuckers got the materials from, I will never know - it rained almost every day anything came remotely in bloom. Am going to paint him some nice label for the archives jar.

I now also know some ice-coffee glasses have faces.

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Come ON, it literally started POURING the minute I stepped outside to go to the museum (it was free today!) and I made it not one street corner by the time I was soaked, holding the camera bag on my shoulder to try and keep it under the umbrella... And having just returned home to shower myself out of pneumonia, guess what. It just stopped. Birds and sunshine. If I see a rainbow I will strangle it. 

Oh, I found the ;'\:"|[}s !!

... it's not an abbreviated swear-word, I really did need a little bit of time and some coincidence to locate the punctuation marks on the keyboards ... Just sayin', the damn things are not where they say they are.

Oh, come on, it's almost six. Why is nobody awake yet, I'm restless out here!

Saturday, 6 July 2019

.. It would have been my brother-s birthday today. I feel so sad and nervous. I suppose that-s normal. 
I think a lot about the way my father acts ... He has this pure, honest and innocent selfishness to him, the sort a boulder has rolling down a hill.. Like when someone expressed a deeply intimate and profound last wish, dad/s reaction would be - don't be ridiculous. Of course we will fight!

Because of him I am bound to be eternally torn between serenity and a lightning storm. My heart is a war inside a museum. Is a poem written in spilled milk. Is a lifelong grudge against lifelong grudges. What a freaking legacy. What a freaking golden toxic radioactive isotope of a heart to have.

He also searches for mushrooms in suspenders and no shirt on, looking like an elder character in a redneck horror movie. No wonder we are always alone in the forest. 

Friday, 5 July 2019

In Ljubljana fer a few dayz...

Okay, maybe getting fudge all over my fingers just before I start using a touch-screen notebook is not the best idea … But this baby s gonna have to learn how to like it rough if it wants to become my adventure companion. Also, I should probably stop typing like I,m retarded and learn how to use all ten fingers and keep my hands still…. Once I find most of the symbols on the mystery keyboard, that is … No apostrophe yet. No hyphen in sight.

Man, the cream on these coffees sure does evaporate at haste … Good coffee, though. Well prepared.

I love this city. I don't think I-ve been here in a year … It-s the closest we have to a large city around here, not in terms of size but spirit … Cathedrals and river boats, tattoo parlors and fast-food BBQ, chilly and sunny one moment, damp, gray and sticky the next. I really need a private Instagram account. Five sparrows are twitching on the chair opposite of me, asking if i-m gonna finish that cookie.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Second sale on Etsy. I actually feel really good about making something right for a change. I mean, in the Real World, that fickle bitch :D

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Curious shrooms ...

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Monday, 1 July 2019

While my IG becomes more and more a selling platform,I need a place to post kitten photos, damnit!

Oh,hey,first Etsy sale! Go me :D

I have a target of 400 bucks until late August. It's just a random target. Not to pay bills or anything, like a sane person, no, I want to buy a paddling board for the General to Pocahontas his way around the bay when we go to the seaside ... (The canoe is too small for him >.<  :D) 
Sandman finally got green-lit. It feels like a punch in the gut. If it's good, everyone will write books about him. If it's bad, it'll be poison. This should be a motivation to finish the fucking book before they air the show.

No pressure.