So, I set the camera up and tuck it under the parka to look like I'm in the middle of giving birth to a xenomorph, setting out to test the novelty. And I am new; I don't really make any good photos and my format settings are all wrong. I christen it by shooting Lyra, as Marki also made his first shot of her.
Underexposed, wrong warmth settings and grainy |
The first pickie ever taken by Marki |
The whole walk is tiresome, I am distracted, nervous, and I woke up this morning at 4:47, to find G's message photo of the adapter. He sent his son home early just to deliver it. I couldn't really get any other work done.
I try to download the photos, sure, that worked, try to open them ... Not working. Why isn't it working? They are not even opening properly. I google the common issue and find out that Adobe doesn't support the new Canon's format, because reasons.
Okay. Okay. Think. There is talk of Lightroom updates, I could try getting that. I never used it before, but when in need ... Or, if all else fails, I can try shooting in .JPG and making the most of those until I find a solution.
Admittedly, Photoshop is my second main tool of the trade. There are functions there I use absolutely for every photo I ever edit and there's a reason I shoot them in a dull lifeless neutral style, because it offers the widest range of edits. I'm not married to it, but I am very much used to it. The General calls the man we got the camera from and he says that the very latest PS version DOES indeed work with CR3.
Half of the good news. Now all I need is a five years younger Photoshop. On the plus side, the subscription is very reasonable. However, I be a boomer dum dum when it cometh to such advanced software engineering as downloading a program. It just wouldn't work. After several failed attempts, we called G's parents' young neighbour, and he remotely took over my comp and set the whole thing up. Like a proper IT guy, he tried explaining what we were doing wrong and how this works and we were just nodding into the phone, yes, yes, ahah, oh, right?..
But, a long day's work, we're one step closer to making good photos with a new machine.