Me: I thought of the perfect (fighter pilot) call sign for myself! Pigeon! And you ... can be ... Postman!
G: So in tandem, we'd be the Postal Pigeon?
The musings of a bifocal, bilingual, bisexual paper pagan, a contrarian and wide-eyed wanderer, who thinks nobody, not even Gods can read a close(te)d book... And that life is unpredictable, so you should probably always eat the dessert first...
Me: I thought of the perfect (fighter pilot) call sign for myself! Pigeon! And you ... can be ... Postman!
G: So in tandem, we'd be the Postal Pigeon?
Looks like the perfect weekend is going to be followed by a shitty week :/
Monday, 5am, starting strong ....
So, there is a lot of really cool planes doing really cool stuff, there is a LOT of Goose, there's even some Ice, some PG romance, a ton of gay vibes, a pinch of chauvinism, some nice humour and a LOT of whining about demons and shit. But it's totally worth seeing just for the planes and I really liked the scene in which Maverick, once again going all in, proves the manoeuvre against all the hotshot kids who never went even a little in, unaware that this is a suicide situation. The contrast between talented young 'uns and a dinosaur is palpable and very well done. Once again I loved how scarred Milles Teller is. It suits him in almost every role.
Had a bit of a medical scare today, one of those... non-life-threatening but life-altering situations. I was really scared, to be honest, and hated the idea - basically, one bad news could knock me into imminent menopause, depression, loss of libido and overall getting fat and old and just ... not yet. I didn't want that yet, even though telling G that he may be looking at a future of blowjobs only, caused him to light up like a kid getting a balloon. Idiot.
But, at least for now, the reproductive parts were not a problem. There is still something wrong with my tummy, it is not about the lady parts, for once. Doesn't seem to be about the bladder, colon or the spine either. So, I've no idea. But I cheered up significantly, even though my concentration is still null.
I've been trying to draw, got nowhere. G suggested I get a month-worth subscription to WoW, which I've all but abandoned lately. Not that it hasn't crossed my mind. To play just at random, maybe, start anew somewhere, maybe even as an Alliance... Not much left for me at the Horde. It was all a big joke in the end, really. I hate the Horde without Him.
So, I sign up, log in, start as this cool Creole-looking worgen on some shore - levelling rather speedily ... And there is a fashion show happening right down our street as part of the summer-starting celebration... During the doggy walk, I had plans to photograph some of the hot ladies in their cool outfits and just enjoy the evening.
And all I could think of was getting home and getting to level 6. Stupid fucking Warcraft. It hooks you in an instant. I feel like such a spy. Seeing Anduin and hearing how bitchy the Horde have been lately ... Oh, the good old times. When we were still mortal enemies - mortal being the operative word. Good times. We were so naive.
Everyone knows one of my ovaries was knocked out of cadence a few years back, so now I mostly get my leakage 18 or 38 days in, give or take. It used to be either 18th, 28th or the 8th of next month, but never the same. Poor Clue has been doing its best to predict them. However, there is another fact that's difficult to explain, unless I attribute a lot more personality to my cunt than it already has.
The timing scheme. At first, I thought it was just a coincidence or that I was unlucky. You know, getting it on the first day of summer vacation or on the day of the exams.. But then I also noticed, THOSE last a lot shorter.
The latest episode was my Saturday wedding photo gig: the period was said to happen on Wednesday. It did not happen on Wednesday. It also didn't happen on Saturday morning, as it usually does (I wake up and sense the oncoming deluge) or, say, evening - no, it happened smack in the middle of the day, the middle of the job. And when I say deluge, I mean the mucus unplugged and my pants looked like I had just aborted triplets. I honestly believe my body deliberately accumulates three days worth of the discharge just to fuck with me. Because now, few days later, my normally 8-day lasting episodes, is all but done. Just some spotting left.
Game on, bitch. I carry SO many emergency supplies pockets (in every bag, almost every large pocket), that truly, all I need is two minutes away from civilised society, to get myself fixed up. The Clue needs not to apologise for failing prophecies yet again. This is a complicated affair.
I just discovered the world is absolutely loaded with cheap bijou and among them, no-hole earrings. I just love those and, oddly enough, I can wear one and not suffer. So I bought about a ten and asked G if I can dress like a girl sometimes. I have this one shirt that's got flowers on it and shit, it's so cute. A flowery shirt, tights, faux leather jacket, no-hole earrings, shitty shoes - that's almost girly, isn't it? :))))
Passions: books drawing, photography, food, shows, cartoons and movies, Warcraft, Youtube, hitchhiking, philosophy, talking to people all over the world in ridiculously late or early hours, getting up at 5am, presents, Fishing dailies, Dogville situations in life, cute things Japanese, archeology, large minimalistic interiors, coffee smoothies and looking for mushrooms in the woods.
Scorns: family fights, noisy people, having nowhere to park, people who make a fuss about being photographed, hypocrites, parasites, lousy professionals (say, dentists), dirty things that should be clean (like restaurants), most Slovenian movies, religion, tradicions, royalty, orange food and being noticed. don't notice me. I am the camera, I am the pen. that's all.
Slovenian Ethnological Encyclopedia
Brian Fround - The world of the dark Crystal
Shakespeare's sonets
Art of World of Warcraft
Terry Pratchett - The Art of Discworld
Nanny Ogg Cookbook
Garth Nix - Sabriel
Gray's Anatomy
David Bilsborough - The Wanderer's Tale
Tom Robbins - Even Cowgirls get the Blues
Amano's Dream Hunters
The Sandman shit (and tons of other horror comics)
Webster's dict.
The Reader on the 6.27
Once and Future King
Kako zorijo ježevci
Thug Notes
Tolkien - Hobbit
Sergei Lukyanenko - The Twilight Watch
plenty of Bryson
Selma Lagerlof's Gosta Berling
Natsuo Kirino's Out
.....and a looot of half-read National Geographics