Monday, 5 December 2022

Gotta give it to my brain, it's not as dumb as it looks. I had a dream about my grandma calling me, to complain about how we haven't visited these past two years since she's not been awake (she's 102) - it's her birthday and she used to do it all the time, throwing tantrums when we didn't visit enough (and when we did, she just threatened to kill herself because we don't love her and she's a burden and we're ungrateful people...) So, you know, fun family stuff.. 

But the brain was, like: hm, but you've been asleep for two years and extremely senile before that, certainly too senile to form coherent sentences... (She would talk in oddly disjointed concepts that I could easily interpret, as I speak 'after stroke', having some experience with dad's seizures.) 'This can't be right. Is this a dream? '

I of course woke up instantly at that time, as dreams run away if they are busted. Good job, brain.