Commissions have been coming from left right and center. I've never had so much work before in my life and I want plenty more still. Having only ever painted for meager orders, like two lame picturebooks per year or something, I was worried at first that my zeal will boycott and I will sit in my studio, crying about being a loser with a blank board in my lap.. Alas, no such break. I have no reason to feel sorry for myself under any circumstances lately (In fact it is becoming increasingly difficult to have arguments with people about misery, because I really haven't got any legitimate cause to whine, (which calls for all the law series ever watched to provide me with decent argumentative head start. "You want to make money? TALK. Till they forget why they wouldn't give it to you.")).. Not easy claiming you can't take the trash out due to being borderline agoraphobic and then the next moring before dawn drive to the woods to scout for mushrooms and chatter happily with everyone you meet in the countryside..
A friend told me never to muck around with commissions. You can muck around when you haven't any, but when there are, punch it. My four personal projects - the two picture books, novel and something in between, which I HAVE to finish till the end of the year - are constantly on hold. The candy store downstairs wants more cutesy baby cards - and they pay on hand, so I can go right into the next store and purchase all the paper and paint I haven't got yet, and still have something left for the bill pot.. I need to come up with the design for the VIP gifts for the leading insurance company. The museum just purchased several cards and has commissioned a logo or a mascot or something along those lines... And that'll be plenty of business... And the man downstairs with the posh frame workshop wants me to make him an entire line of cool small paintings.. I took seven different drafts to him (was so excited I did them in two days) and he didn't decide on any particular one, he took them all. I'm thinking if I sell him 30, I'll have enough to purchase the Nikon D90.............
.... Oh...... I miss Porky :(((
Oh, and we bought the posh fridge 8) The one that opens up in two sides, one side freezer, one cooler, with an ice vendor and super saving stats. Came really close to purchasing an oven, too, but I managed to talk him out of it the last second. Good Goods next I'd be forced to learn to cook...
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