Thursday, 15 April 2010

WorK in pRogreSs....

Been creating a new detective, an uncanny character for my 'children's poetry' pieces, for kiddy magazines...
Also tried to use daylight to digitalize them. Doesn't work either. Am getting increasingly frustrated with trying to get things from paper to pixels...

 It's about a cloud thief she out-witts, the research where spring hides and why it comes to look for us and then what happened with the dragon that fled the zoo... There's also one about a cave boy, first poet...

We went pass a bookstore (no such thing) and found a very cool gun encyclopedia with nice educational photos and cool short stories - a perfect gift for the General indeed. There's some stuff in there he knows that not even I have ever heard before... But the important bit is we bought two fresh mountain-climbing booklets and I am alreday jumpy with anticipation. I miss mountaneering. I miss all summer sports!! AND I WANT MY DOG DAMNIT!