Wednesday 22 December 2010

Yesterday was a remarkably lovely day. The business of selling the cards and baggies was better than on other days and time flew - and in the afternoon I set off to make the OverMuraMovingCake (which I believe succeeded deliciously) and honey cookies, which DID succeed delightfully, and some experimental puffy chocolate and coconut cookies, which I don't know how they succeeded, because they've all been eaten already and I hadn't had the chance to sample one. My brain is working diligently on the short stories, though I failed to write the one about the carpenter in the Borneo circus brothel. It's been warm, uncharacteristically so, though the color of air seems to warn of rain. There was also supposedly a lunar eclipse, but I didn't catch that one. I am fine with the moon such as it is :))
    Am warm, fat, fed and in love, the dog is fine, parents were cool and right this instant I discovered a ball of yarn that i previously overlooked, so I'll be able to knit some more weird shit for my friends today! YaaaaR!