The musings of a bifocal, bilingual, bisexual paper pagan, a contrarian and wide-eyed wanderer, who thinks nobody, not even Gods can read a close(te)d book... And that life is unpredictable, so you should probably always eat the dessert first...
Well, since the start of this year I’ve been working very avidly (read: disciplined…-ly) on my new, travel book about places to see and stuff to do there and other serious shit regarding my pretty country:)) I try to enweave all kinds of lore among the instructions and plenty of the stuff I write about one way or another crosses swords with a historical character with a cool name. Korvin. His dad’s campaign inspired the last prince of Cilli – once a vast realm, now my home town – to be assassinated and a cute little happy story about a king under the mountain seems to be inspired by him. Not much of this would really captivate me, because if anything I’ve read about all kinds of kings aplenty, but this dude actually managed to start a very powerful library. He even seemed to have his very own Aal.
On the hormones pills again, I am so horny I find fairly much everything arousing. Watching hentai and Dirty Dancing doesn’t help. Oh, look, a hot king of old, horny. Oh, young Patrick Swayze half naked! Horny! Oh, look, my husband’s home, horny. Oh, look, dog! Horny. Look – air! Horny!! So you can imagine what my short story – the ones I write on a side track to went - about the Hungarian warlord is like. There’s a little bit about Budapest in there, some mention of Doboš cakes and lots and lots and lots of…… Am impressed I got into a haiku writing duel with Drej and didn’t mention sex once. Not even in a lyrical way. Off to have coffee&cake now with the homies, and I’ve also managed to shoot a photo of the General beard-less! Go me :D But now I’m … again … :s Hopeless.
Passions: books drawing, photography, food, shows, cartoons and movies, Warcraft, Youtube, hitchhiking, philosophy, talking to people all over the world in ridiculously late or early hours, getting up at 5am, presents, Fishing dailies, Dogville situations in life, cute things Japanese, archeology, large minimalistic interiors, coffee smoothies and looking for mushrooms in the woods.
Scorns: family fights, noisy people, having nowhere to park, people who make a fuss about being photographed, hypocrites, parasites, lousy professionals (say, dentists), dirty things that should be clean (like restaurants), most Slovenian movies, religion, tradicions, royalty, orange food and being noticed. don't notice me. I am the camera, I am the pen. that's all.
Life is unpredictable, so it's probably a good idea to eat the dessert first..
Books currently at the side of my desk
Slovenian Ethnological Encyclopedia Brian Fround - The world of the dark Crystal
Shakespeare's sonets
Art of World of Warcraft
Terry Pratchett - The Art of Discworld Nanny Ogg Cookbook Garth Nix - Sabriel Gray's Anatomy David Bilsborough - The Wanderer's Tale Tom Robbins - Even Cowgirls get the Blues Amano's Dream Hunters
The Sandman shit (and tons of other horror comics)
Webster's dict.
The Reader on the 6.27
Once and Future King
Kako zorijo ježevci
Thug Notes
Tolkien - Hobbit Sergei Lukyanenko - The Twilight Watch plenty of Bryson
Selma Lagerlof's Gosta Berling Natsuo Kirino's Out .....and a looot of half-read National Geographics
Movies I saw several times (for various reasons)
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (favorite) Lost in Translation (favorite female director) Blade Runner (favorite male director) The Duelists (that director's best movie IMO) Immortel Ad Vitam (favorite bad movie) Station Agent (favorite indie) La Grande bellezza / Youth (favorite foreign director) Cabaret Desire (favorite softcore) Dual (favorite Slovenian) Miami Vice (favorite editing/action flick) Labyrinth, Willow, Goonies, (grew up on these) Legend (favorite fuckable villain) Predator (also very fuckable villain) Hero (because beautiful) General's daughter (dunno, just like that movie) Tigerland (favorite (anti)war movie) Code 46 (really depressing) Dogville (that's how you make an exit) Holy smoke (fav Kate Winslet movie) Impromptu (so cute) Kill Bill (because it's so awesomelly stupid and great) Orlando (no reason needed) Shawn of the dead (because awesome) The Magdalene sisters (because I'd have burnt them to the ground) Wonderboys (right up my alley) La Reine Margot (because it feels accurate) Midnight in Paris (because that's how I feel most of the time) The Pillow Book (the editing)
TV shows I watch over and over again
Samurai Champloo (because it's the best in a really good genre) Firefly (because there has never been a better sci-fi show) Newsroom (because it's an ideal idealystic setting) Luther (because) Vera (because it's like Luther, only with a bitter old lady) Sherlock BBC (because it's smart) Cracker (because it's the smartest) Rome (because it's scary telltale) Smash (so cute) The Good Wife (my chick flick) Xena (because I loved it from the first minute on and always) Bleach (but also One Piece and many others) Ugly Betty (integrity of character in a girl, even though G says they tried hard, but couldn't hide the fact she was always very beautiful)
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