Damn and rats, but how I forgot I love astronomy. You'd think having written a 700 page space odyssey, it would be obvious, but last night all we did was stare at the dots in the sky and listen to people talk about them and I almost had a mental orgasm. There was a lady who said such great, nice things about a sister stars, dancing one around the other, one golden and one sapphire and then we saw them though the big fat telescopes and I nearly cried. These are such, such magnificent things. All too amazing things. Even from solid ground, they are extraordinary. The remnants of dead stars, clouds of dust that may eventually become building stones of life or just the good old Saturn, flying fat and tilted, the primadonna. I regret being such an amateur. It would be shameful to join such a group, because I really don't know anything about anything. Small world, though: one of the lecturer ladies teaches Rockstar math and another used to teach me biology when I was in high school.
Blaž, the nephew-in-law was my assistant last night. I badly require a remote bulb trigger for Marki, as last night I only had Blaž to hold the button down for minutes at a time, while I went from one station to the other and observed stuff. Thanks to the in-law family, for letting me tag along! That was a truly cool night!
This was the constelations of Bowman and Scorpio, I think. There were less stars when we looked at them, camera caught few more.. |
This was from the school yard. The school has an observatorium dome. *hint*birthday*coming*up*hint* |
There was a couple, looking at a phone-google-stars-ap, standing in front of the camera, which made for such a cool shot |
One of the stations, this one pointing at the twin stars of Albireo, Beta Cygni |
Another station, showing Saturn. Scorpio behind it. |
The glow of Croatian capital Zagreb in the far distance and the Milky Way |
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