I have to re-arrange my plans for the weekend and find a new venue for the project that was going so well this morning, though in reality all I wanna do is curl on a couch somewhere and sleep this shitstorm over. Last night was a really lovely night. I think I'm gonna go crawl back into the memory of it until it's morning again.
Friday, 28 February 2014
Feeling sad and stupid. And tired. And sad. And stupid.
I have to re-arrange my plans for the weekend and find a new venue for the project that was going so well this morning, though in reality all I wanna do is curl on a couch somewhere and sleep this shitstorm over. Last night was a really lovely night. I think I'm gonna go crawl back into the memory of it until it's morning again.
I have to re-arrange my plans for the weekend and find a new venue for the project that was going so well this morning, though in reality all I wanna do is curl on a couch somewhere and sleep this shitstorm over. Last night was a really lovely night. I think I'm gonna go crawl back into the memory of it until it's morning again.
Shot a dancer for a video today. I couldn't help but to take a billion photos of her, she was so mesmerising. Dancers have this power over body that sucks the light and shadow into command - you cannot go wrong with them. Now I just have to make sure she is not the most interesting part of the video :D
Too busy to post, but yeesh Gods, the stuff happening :D
Well. If one is trying to organise an orgy, that is of course 97 % a harmless joke... It's the same with telling people you want to photograph them naked. Unless of course it turns out to be a great success. Then it's not a joke. Not that such an ambition has ever left me with my head on before. I do so enjoy a beautiful love story... especially if it actually happens - and I am to collect the credit.
But no, it hasn't happened, nor have I managed to photograph anyone naked yet. I have, though, left a blatant breadcrumb.. or a bread loaf for a guy to follow the girl and as result, spent the last seven or so hours sitting between them, carefully waiting for a spark to ignite... That was like watching two positive protons mate. Come ON people! You're both young, beautiful, I would write you both a sonnet! With a happy ending!
Why is the real world always so careful and shy?
I wonder if, provided I am not ever taken seriously, and my besties don't ever take offence I am trying to put my nose right where it does not belong, these are the people I will be excellent friends with for a very long time? This is the company I find myself taking great solace in. Away from drawing, away from family issues, away from money issues or the fact I never really seem to know what to say and always wanna start talking about Lord Of The Rings...
Drej started this three or four years back.. I've been enjoying the company of actual people more and more because of her every day.
Provided I am never taken seriously :D Well, 97 % of the time, at least.
Other than that, my timetable is ludicrous. Today the body fell into an odd state of shock from being over-worked, drawing such fine detail it left me shaking, starved and parched, near a fever. Yet, at the same time, hyped on everything that I'm working on. If I reduce my sleep radically, it will put me in a dull state of being high on deprivation and I will be able to roll through all the projects like I'm mad at it.. And then, come Tuesday or so, I will probably pass out, collect all kinds of viruses and germs and stay sick and drooling until, say, Wednesday.When I am tempted to try climbing again (Again.).
Tomorrow: filming, drawing (watching Xena), editing, vector drawing, selling tickets, watching movies; Saturday: drawing, selling tickets, going to see a play, photographing a masked party, also in the committee for the best costume, making pickies; Sunday: shooting a music video, drawing, editing.Somehow amidst all this I continue to have sex every day, wooing folk to pose for me and am almost at page 9 of that cool Cairo novel I've been reading for about two weeks now.
Did I ever mention I have a very small head?
But no, it hasn't happened, nor have I managed to photograph anyone naked yet. I have, though, left a blatant breadcrumb.. or a bread loaf for a guy to follow the girl and as result, spent the last seven or so hours sitting between them, carefully waiting for a spark to ignite... That was like watching two positive protons mate. Come ON people! You're both young, beautiful, I would write you both a sonnet! With a happy ending!
Why is the real world always so careful and shy?
I wonder if, provided I am not ever taken seriously, and my besties don't ever take offence I am trying to put my nose right where it does not belong, these are the people I will be excellent friends with for a very long time? This is the company I find myself taking great solace in. Away from drawing, away from family issues, away from money issues or the fact I never really seem to know what to say and always wanna start talking about Lord Of The Rings...
Drej started this three or four years back.. I've been enjoying the company of actual people more and more because of her every day.
Provided I am never taken seriously :D Well, 97 % of the time, at least.
Other than that, my timetable is ludicrous. Today the body fell into an odd state of shock from being over-worked, drawing such fine detail it left me shaking, starved and parched, near a fever. Yet, at the same time, hyped on everything that I'm working on. If I reduce my sleep radically, it will put me in a dull state of being high on deprivation and I will be able to roll through all the projects like I'm mad at it.. And then, come Tuesday or so, I will probably pass out, collect all kinds of viruses and germs and stay sick and drooling until, say, Wednesday.When I am tempted to try climbing again (Again.).
Tomorrow: filming, drawing (watching Xena), editing, vector drawing, selling tickets, watching movies; Saturday: drawing, selling tickets, going to see a play, photographing a masked party, also in the committee for the best costume, making pickies; Sunday: shooting a music video, drawing, editing.Somehow amidst all this I continue to have sex every day, wooing folk to pose for me and am almost at page 9 of that cool Cairo novel I've been reading for about two weeks now.
Did I ever mention I have a very small head?
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Gorgi smackdown
Funny thing, I sometimes get so overwhelmed (or excited, however you wanna call being high on thrilled), my body cramps so much I literally get muscle ache the next day. None of these is a negative emotion, I am simply stupid with happiness. Only bad thing are the blackouts, because I truly cannot remember parts of the event, so certain amount of good stuff is missing from the crazy picture. (Also, I think I paid the musicians, I just can't remember doing it. I already wrote them and tried to do the math, but even if the math fits, the memory of handling that detail is missing from my brain in its entirety. I really hope I didn’t fuck up. O.o ) There were SO many people!
Well. In a
word, it was… going to be hard to best for a little while.
Here are
some posters alarming folk about the event….
And the
pancake stand.. Sanela and Rockstar are testing it.A pretty lady Ana is handing the heavy lifting..
I made a
100 pancakes (dad and dogs ate a few beforehand), packed with stuff that should make people full
for a fortnight, and yet they were all eaten, every single one. The beautiful
girl whom I asked to make them handled it flawlessly. My in-laws brought
BASKETS of yummies, but I kept those and will eat them thorough the coming
week. Some of my nutty friends brought me prezzies, crazy cunts. Someone warned
Niko, my moderator, that we look like we are totally flirting (and he was
afraid General might beat him), but that is how I must look when super happy, like
I’m in love, talking with someone who liked my book and was telling the people
to buy it, read it and love it :D Actually, thanks to him, we actually covered
the costs AND made some money! That hasn’t happened to me since… well, ever,
musicians were two perfect guitar players, singing perfect songs. It was really
difficult not to start weeping, even though the songs weren’t sad at all. The
prettiest boy God has ever created sang in a deep, harsh voice you’d never
attribute to someone so tiny, and I could listen to them for another few hours. Naturally, I couldn't help myself running around, photographing stuff.
They sang
Kreslin’s Od viĹĄine se zvrti (Heights will make you dizzy – one of the most
beautiful songs you will ever find in Slovene language.), Chasing cars,
Norwegian wood, some Nirvana and a few more songs I got completely lost into
and cannot remember at this point.
So… Between
a full house, all the pancakes eaten, my suddenly very large family, books
sold, my besties, General’s face in the back or bringing me water, people
listening to me read, hearing Maja and Tinka laugh, Niko asking me about thing
I could never stop talking about, my mum and dad, the music and… being on
stage, presenting my work…
I have to
keep these things scarce. They really take the toll on my shyness :P
Being stupid, I of course forgot to take any photos of the people OR Niko, so here's one of him by Goran RadiÄ (thanks, bro :))
Friday, 21 February 2014
Literary eve tomorrow. Hopefully, this one will be a 100% more fun than the last one. The last one was only fun because Drej made it so. Which tells you something about Drej and not much else about sucky literary events.
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Stage fright
I am
getting a lot better at public speaking. Certainly, there are several factors
to be taken into account, but I had a coffee date with a professor yesterday
and he told me several things I’ve been doing wrong – and I am a fast student.
Example. I hated not getting feedback from students – because 250 teenagers
forced into a theatre aren’t the sort of a group you can really engage – so now
I am not making eye contact but instead focusing on the rim of the balcony and
speakers. Second. I had no idea what to do with my hands, especially having to
hold the mic with my right – so I started holding a book in the other. (A comic
book. Doesn’t matter.) I have a post-it on it, to check my facts, but mostly I
know what I’m talking about, so I don’t really need that either. Third, I
noticed this on my own, I needn’t really look at someone to listen to them, so I
no longer feel strange when people are “sleeping” in the front rows. The guy
told me that before I can project my love for movies onto a group of strangers,
I have to have stage presence – which you simply cannot have if you’re scared.
But by now halfway through the fist in my gut releases and I start having fun.
Not feedback fun, just talking about movies kind of fun. The deepest thing he
said was a reference to a snacks machine – you can a lot sooner talk about a
machine that gives you food than your relationship towards eating. That was
awesome. I can explain anything about the works of a theater, lights, seats,
sound system, projector, screen, movie statistics… But talking about what it
means to me and what it should mean to them…
Remaining: I
still have to learn how to talk slower. And stand like a man. I mean a girl. I
mean a hot babe. Ah, fuck it. I should just sit or lay down.. :P
Monday, 17 February 2014
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Grande bellezza
Too tired for bilingual version, I'm posting this in my native tongue... Sorry, folk - just go see the movie, until I translate. You'll know what I mean ;))
Fotografi – no, nekateri, … no, jaz, ampak si ne drznem
govorit posploĹĄeno in v prvi osebi, ker se bojim, da me bo Jep zmlel v prah –
fotografiramo lepe ljudi, da nam jih ni treba poĹželeti in lepe stvari, da ne
rabimo biti odgovorni zanje.
Po Äistem nakljuÄju sem ravno zaÄela brati Jakubianovo hiĹĄo,
ker sem med prodajanjem kart v kinu v starem NGju ujela intervju z avtorjem..
In po prvih nekaj straneh me blazno spominja na Marquezove Žalostne kurbe
mojega Ĺživljenja – ta film pa je tretja tretjina sozvoÄja – pripovedi o prepametnem
plejboju, ki se skuĹĄa spomniti, kaj je to Äustvo, kakrĹĄnokoli Äustvo. Na koncu
filma v palaÄi spomina spet izbrska svojo prvo (oziroma, kar on skuĹĄa sebe
prepriÄati, da je njegova velika) ljubezen, ni ta niÄ lepĹĄa ali ÄudovitejĹĄa od
milijona kadrov v dvournem filmu pred njo. Krasna deklica s krasnima dojkicama,
meh. Postarala bi se, tako kot on, v eno izmed babuh na Ĺžurih. Preglasnih
Ĺžurih. Performanskih Ĺžurih. Tam so bili vsi videti, kot da so popolnoma nori.
Äeravno… Äe bi s tako ĹĄirokokotnim objektivom kdo snemal mene, kako pijana
pleĹĄem, Äe bi pijana plesala v javnosti, bi bila verjetno videti enako
tragiÄna. Bili so torej popolnoma navadni ljudje.
Vsak prizor v tem filmu je narejen, kot da je zadnji – kar dvomim,
da je nakljuÄje, zagotovo pa je zelo domiseln naÄin, da soÄutiĹĄ kako razstave in poznanstva – vsak vreden romana, vsak Ĺžrtev
kanibala, naslednjega prizora, polzijo staremu Jepu med oÄmi. Moj najljubĹĄi, eden redkih res
zgovornih, je, ko v treh minutah zbije svojo kolegico v kupÄek
eksistencialistiÄnega drekca – namreÄ strga make-up s popolnoma vsake njene
prejĹĄnje izjave, ki naj bi jo naredila veÄjo, boljĹĄo od njega, od vseh na onem
diner partiju. Ampak take reÄi si Josepe upa samo na lastnih zabavah, samo
svojim kolegom. S tujci stresa puhlice o modi, z Ĺženskami se samo spogleduje. Spodbuja
jih, da se fotkajo v selfije. Spravlja se na umetnice, ki Ĺživijo od tega, da se
z glavo zaletavajo v zid. V resniÄnem svetu zaÄudeno strmi in se oÄarano
nasmiha. Celo otroĹĄkim skrivalnicam. Ker se ne spomni, zakaj bi jih moral
razumeti. Ker jih ne zna ubesediti. V
resniÄnem svetu je hudimano majhen – tako pred slabo osvetljenimi bogovi,
krstami glupih znancev, kot Ĺžirafami. Okej, Ĺžirafe so slab primer. NiÄ ni veÄje
od Ĺžiraf. Ne drzne si pisati o niÄemer – ne drzne si niti pisati o »niÄemer«,
o niÄu. Len je, namesto odeje se domaÄe
poÄuti pod oĹĄtevanjem svoje stare hiĹĄne pomoÄnice. Äudovito govori, ampak samo,
ko je izzvan. Ne zna namesto nje same napisati recenzije o 471 let stari
svetnici, ki mu zadrema na tleh v dnevni sobi, medtem , ko si on slaÄi steznik.
Celo, ko konÄno stoji pred tisto nesreÄno Costa Concordio, se mu Ĺžaganje le-te
zdi kot performance. Zdaj sem skoraj prepriÄana, da ne maram performanceov.
Nekaj vulgarnega, podlega, vojeuristiÄnega je na tem, da bi navaden smrtnik
gledal, kako nastaja umetnina. Tega se naj ne bi poÄelo. Ampak Älovek se
navadi, si najde opraviÄilo za svojo nekulturnost. Ko partnerka starega Jepa (ki
je, mimogrede, v tistem kadru obleÄena v goloto, ampak tega vam ne znam
razloĹžiti, morali bi jo videti, da bi razumeli in se strinjali) na Ĺžurki ne
more veÄ gledati, kako otrok besno in v solzah riĹĄe milijone vredno sliko, da
bosta njen oÄka in mamica »sreÄna druĹžina«, stari Jep le skomigne. Meh. Videl
je Ĺže hujĹĄe.
Ne maram arhitektov, tudi to zdaj zagotovo vem. Rim (pa ne
samo Rim, ampak ĹĄe prav posebej Rim tega filma. Äakam, da vidim njegovo
protiuteĹž, Sveto Obvoznico) so spremenili v galerijo megalomanije, ki nikoli ne
more biti topla na dotik. Vse je tako prekleto veliko – mostovi, vrtovi, stropovi,
tista groteskna ĹĄkrbina, osvetljena kot tiara - kolosej, napeta lica odvisnikov
od botoksa, (ki so iz svojih obiskov mojstra pikanja tudi naredila
performance), postelje. Vsi so
skulpture, pozabljene med kipi, ki se starajo malce poÄasneje, ampak ne dovolj
poÄasi, da bi se jih v resnici obÄudovalo in Äastilo. Edino, Äesar se bojijo
je, da so prestari, da bi njihovo mnenje kaj ĹĄtelo. In kako krasno je v zgodbo
vtkana vera – ĹĄe en neskonÄno velik, teatralno osvetljeni kolos, v katerega
glavi je restavracija ali mondena trgovina s Äevlji.
VsakiÄ, ko vidim tak film, me pograbi panika ob snemanju
mojega. Moj film je narejen na polovici, pa bi ga najraje nekam skrila (Äeprav
ga ĹĄe nihÄe ni videl), in bila o njem Äisto tiho, da ga tudi nikoli ne bo
poskuĹĄal. Skozi mojega se po nakljuÄju ne sprehodi Fanny Ardant. Meni se moji
karakterji ne smilijo. Kako si torej drznem sestavljati zgodbo iz Ärepinj nekih
preteklih, ne markantnih Ĺživljenj? Mi, ki gledamo tako lepe filme in potem o
njih razglabljamo v dolgih stavkih? Edino, kar me dela boljĹĄo od naftalinskih
kneginj in debelih narkomank na rave partyju pri Gatsbyju je to, da se po
odjavni ĹĄpici zavleÄem domov, v Celju, v brlog natrpan z barvicami in stripi in
napol dokonÄanimi umotvori. Tu me Äakajo tople, kosmate stvari, ki raje vidijo,
da ne govorim preveÄ. Da o vsem skupaj naglas ne reÄem niÄ.
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
I know I sound, say, uh, 7000 years behind my time, but Alverde products are really getting me into makeup and beauty products. I can't get enough of their stuff. Maybe because it's really inexpensive, agrees excellently with my skin, natural and really good stuff, pigments-wise, or maybe because it's making showering fun. I have about five different shower products (stressing at this point that I absolutely hate showering and never ever bathe, because I cannot stand being wet), for five different parts of my wholesomeness, and i apply each in an order, depending on duration of supposed appliance... this sounds stupid, I know, but what I'm saying is - suddenly, for the first time ever, I have fun while showering. There was once a time when i was married to a gay asshole, and his fussing about beauty products made me steer clear of anything remotely cosmetic for a decade... Which i am now evidentally getting over. There were also times when I would never ever consider a pale pink lipstick... And yet, here I stand. Smelling and looking like a gentle vintage garden. :D
Ran into a person I haven't seen in a while today... There were times I actually wanted to do something about it and there were times when I figured some people feel better without having me in their lives. What amazed me about this encounter, though, is that i didn't recognise her. The features were familiar, so i though, ah, this is the sister of a person I used to know. But the voice locked straight into my memories and the looks were all the right kind of half careful, half cold, with a little bit of an opened door looks.. It was the person. Considering the first thing I did when I got home was send her a private FB message, I must have missed her a whole lot more than I'd admit... But if nothing ever comes of it, it will just be a story from times past... With vanilla waffles in it. And my first vibrator.
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Random thoughts
I sometimes get the feeling that if I were a guy, I'd be mean. Like, a real dick. I would probably be Cole or worse. Dunno why, I just think someone who has such little regard for rules might take advantage of his morality fatigue and act out. Also, every time I write about a man, he does something mean. I suppose power corrupts. And having a dick feels like having power - in your hands.
Something tells me nature would have enabled men to reproduce on their own a long time ago, but they'd all just kill one another, so nature is cleverer than that...
I ODed on whipped cream last night. I haven't had it in so long my tummy forgot how to handle it and then I had too much and am still sick :/ General calls this one of his 'told you so's.
The fourth person has recently asked me to have an exhibition. I have to come up with better excuses than "I don't really like exhibitions, I'm shy." This time I said that I am not really exhibition material (we were talking illustration, not photography), because I am not a painter. That painters are proud of their work whereas illustrators love ours. Their work belong on the walls whereas ours belongs among people.
But I really should think of something better to say. "Sorry, i really don't like being in the centre of attention" isn't hitting any credibility lately.
Something tells me nature would have enabled men to reproduce on their own a long time ago, but they'd all just kill one another, so nature is cleverer than that...
I ODed on whipped cream last night. I haven't had it in so long my tummy forgot how to handle it and then I had too much and am still sick :/ General calls this one of his 'told you so's.
The fourth person has recently asked me to have an exhibition. I have to come up with better excuses than "I don't really like exhibitions, I'm shy." This time I said that I am not really exhibition material (we were talking illustration, not photography), because I am not a painter. That painters are proud of their work whereas illustrators love ours. Their work belong on the walls whereas ours belongs among people.
But I really should think of something better to say. "Sorry, i really don't like being in the centre of attention" isn't hitting any credibility lately.
Saturday, 8 February 2014
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