Night Moves
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Thousand Times Good Night
when you’re going through a shitty flu recovery, you tend to spend a lot of the
night staring at the ceiling, swallowing your own thrown-up stomach acid in
tiny amounts - and watching trailers. Watching trailers is an excellent pastime,
even when you are not sick. I often make my own in my head, to see what tone my
stories are setting. Also, trailer music rocks. And pretty much anything looks
promising, judging by a trailer.
(Not really – you can quickly tell what is going to suck donkey balls, just
by how awfully desperate the trailer sounds. I’m thinking Divergent and The
Maze runner, the blatant rip offs Hunger Games, which actually looks like parts
of Hunger Games that were left out. Unfortunately, when someone made a good
movie out of a reasonably cool book and it was a great success, suddenly any
number of stupid movies from completely useless books are all over and the
marketing for them is depressing. For two weeks I’ve been seeing noting but
Divergent all over Imdb, RottenTomatoes and magazines… As if it’s actually
anything to go see. People used to say Troy is terrible. Bring back Troy,
please. Any day.)
So. One
can be super smart about movies before you see them.
Heck, I’m
nothing if not opinionated. The only thing about all this that makes me feel
extra excellent is that when I ask what General thinks, he is voicing my
arguments EXACTLY. Go me.
looks like it’s going to be a cool, creepy movie that they stole from some
cool, creepy book without acquiring copy rights and, which is the part that
puzzles me, without trying to really hide the fact it’s based on that book. (Monkeywrench
gang or something..) Okay, so the premise is three weird folk, two dudes and a
babe, set to break a hydroelectric dam. Because, you know, dams are evil. They
flood stuff and they, I dunno, make electricity, which is evil. There's Peter sarsgaard in it, who always looks evil.
cracks me up. Those poor Chinese villages, all of which were destroyed
for some evil big power plant…
sorry? Have you ever actually been to a really remote area in a third world
country, where there is no electricity? Where they still exist in the Stone Age?
Where they marry little girls and cut off hands of thieves and a diarrhea will
kill you? Oh, you think those villages are quaint? You think poverty, disease
and illiteracy are quaint? You think the really smart people who managed to
build an enormous source of energy for an incredibly vast population did it
because they felt like it? And that life in China was so much better before
electricity came their way?
Show me one non-religious, non-military urban attempt that fails to benefit from technology. Not in books or TV shows. In the real world.
once, just once I wish those morons would travel the places I’ve traveled and
saw what it’s like for people who are too fucking dumb to embrace progress. All
that idyllic tribal let’s hold hands and dance around the fire in the purity
and generosity of nature and gentleness of life.. Please. Just once, go to a
shitty backbeat third world country. And then tell me how it would all be
solved if you removed their electricity, running water, sewerage and medicine,
brought in by the modern folk. Just once. Just once.
How that fucking pisses me off.
Mutant Ninja Turtles
Awww, look at the little antenae on his head! |
One of
the cutest things my sister ever said, when I told her the TNMT are coming
in again, was “Were they ever out?” :D
Now, I
should stress I am an adult woman and that when I first saw the first TNMT
movie, I was 13 – but I always loved it and I watched it again a few weeks back
and I still loved it. I loved the costumes and the hair on April, I LOVED Casey
Jones and would adore Coteas for years afterwards, up until when I saw him in
Crash, where he scared me.. I loved the voice acting and the little turtles and
the way gang life is portrayed, cigarettes being the worst thing any youth can
ever think of doing. (Strangling a milf hooker while doing her in the ass, high
on meth while the house is on fire?) I just really liked everything about that
movie. I don’t remember much of what followed for the franchise, it probably
wasn’t all that good.
Michael Bay is making a new one. Okay. Admittedly, as much as I hated Eva Green
when I first saw her, I kind of like her now and as god-awful I will always
think Megan Fox is, she is at least wearing clothes in this one. The turtles
are a lot bigger, CGI, obviously, and kind of menacing looking. Leonardo looks
like a monster (…turn-on? Probably.), though Mikey is as adorable as ever. And William
Fichtner as Shredder? Sold.
I love
my brain. It’s capable of equally worshipping movies such as Grande Bellesa and
TMNT. Not to brag, but that’s a wide fucking span.
Thousand Times Good Night
If you're Juliette Binoche, your burnt face will heal faster than a mosquito bite |
I mentioned
this before, how my dad forbade war reportage as a profession – only profession
he forbade, and I’ve been reading commentary on how the director seems to
assume the subject itself is enough to fill the gaps in the script…
you either get it or you don’t. I have to say – and this is something General
will never fully comprehend – I admire myself for being able to opt for the
uneventful existence. You cannot believe the draw of photogenic action, where
your only focus is.. focus. With that camera in front of your face, you
actually think you’re immortal. Bulletproof. I’ve gone into shit so many times,
camera first, it’s amazing nothing ever befell me, bigger than a few stones.
Even a few years back, when I was way over this need to put myself between the
rock and the hard place, and there were protests happening in Nepal, I
intuitively ran straight into the clash zone. General had to drag me out and he
was very angry. What the fuck was I thinking? Well, I wasn’t. I was auto focusing.
possible that the movie will be bad or at least melodramatic and condescending,
but war reporting is the same as any other terribly dangerous sport: you either
do it alone or you retire and live happily ever after in Celje. Inability to
choose a side always ends in tragedy. You think witless teens are cannon fodder?
Who do you think is running in front of them, taking pictures?