Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Tinka's interview coming up..

First of the season, soon on Dread Reality :) Soon. Soooon :D

I'm a bit slow to get to these, because I am shy and I lurk after people for eons before I dare ask them.. Stupid, really, because once the interview starts, I'm having the time of my life.
      She asked to meet at a cafe in an industrial area, where her workshop is, and when I drove over it was sunny and windy and I had my gear riding shotgun, in my dumpy old car, feeling like the coolest journalists can ever feel. I arrived an hour early, because I haven't slept enough (General's working night shifts and I hate sleeping without him), and wanted to get my head on straight. Tinka was just as shy, so I needed to make this cool for her, so that she sees publicity can be fun as well. While I waited, a pair of 'happy ending' masseuses' came for a coffee and lots of other interesting characters. these are all people I would love to talk to. Although, I notice, my male-to-female ratio is tilting. I needsta find more dudes to grill.

Yesterday went over to the uphill house to jump on parents, as my dad had his birthday - same day as our beloved leader, our very own communist dictator passed on 35 years ago. He was one of the very few communist dictators to be utterly diplomatic, so even though he was probably exactly the same as Castro or the like, Americans didn't brand him a villain, because he was clever. That dude was actually really clever. His politics were amazing. Not just because those were really good times, but because after the WWII, many other countries fell under the Soviet whip for being helped out by the Red Army, and couldn't get from under Russia for a very long time - well, Yugoslavia didn't sign that contract and we were on our own from the start. And we were mighty. Course, after he died, all shit came loose and bad children ripped the place to bits. But until he died, it was an impressive political square dance with the biggest boys.