This unexpected, entirely amazing and adorable new anime in 12 parts has cheered up fairly all anime fans globally, Yuri!!! on Ice is awesome across the board and I have nothing more to say about it. I loved everything - the fact that it's about frigging male FIGURE skating for fuck'ssakes is crazy enough - but music, characters, story, choreographies, even the end credits with the instagram posts are sooo lovely. I nearly pissed myself at episode 11, when JJ, though no-one's favourite, begins to suffer a mental breakdown and everyone is singing along to his theme to support him... That shit was 'grown woman crying like a baby' level. Not to mention the ridiculously intense LOVE factor between almost every character - the possibilities of pairings is endless. And it never once goes over the suggestions, keeping it that much more intense - not when the characters are buck nekkid, not when they run into each-other's arms, not even when they claim they got engaged. Eros and Agape for the win, bitches.
Yuri returns owerweight and defeated to his home town... |
... where his old friends are super excited to see him secretly still believing in the magic of skating ... |
... even though it was always the lonelyness and pressure that kept him from performing well ... |
... and feeling miles behind the true talent on ice... |
.. and then our story begins :D
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