Sunday, 26 March 2017

Schunbrunn Zoo

Here's a few pickies of the Zoo established by this guy called Kaiser... Francis I, I think. Dunno. I know he was a bit of ladies' man and fathered at least 16 legitimate offspring, so we know the important stuff... However, he did have an interest in showing off and he liked a place called Fancy Well - Schronbrunn, so he began a zoo there... At first it was a nasty zoo, with posh but minute habitats, but over time it grew and became an interesting place. 
Mind, I was losing light fast, but the most catastrophic excuse I have is that it was just feeding time, so majority of the beasts were fast asleep and couldn't be arsed for my clicking. 

VAST fucking garden, which I had to run across TWICE. And Sanela thought I was lost, so she ran to find me, too. People always panic so badly when I get lost in the zoo. Why, I wonder?
The sun was just setting...

(I'll make more later. I haven't even SEEN all of them, but there were SO many!'Twas a good zoo.) 

The ewww department

The old, original habitats

Macro level - advanced :D