Tuesday, 5 December 2017

General's unusually leniant gesture

Full moon - I couldn't sleep last night! And it was weird, too, as normally I can feel myself getting sleepy and I just lean into the sensation, possibly armed with a strong coffee and dark chocolate ... But naa - though G had to work and I could have just worked until he got home, I didn't. I simply didn't sleep. Watched some old TV, listened to some music, did some sketching ... 

Problem was, the dog gets up around eight and starts alarming me it's time for her walk... And normally I would be up at seven regardless of when I went to bed if at all... But once I finally passed out at dawn, I was so worried about the dog, I kept wondering if I should just take her down to pee and poo while I was still in my jammies and it was too early for anyone to see me, and take a walk later ...

Long undramatic story short, G came home and I pleaded from underneath the duvet: I know you don't want to (he won't do it, ever, if I am home), and you're tired, but can you please take the dog down for her thing? 

And G said: Do you hear her yapping? 


Still a little shocked, to be honest. 89% of the time his answer would be: Neup. - and the other 11%: I am not the one who spent the whole night messing around

Eleven years in, the man can still catch me off guard :D