Thursday, 1 February 2018

The general, having now taken apprenticeship with his father, is starting to go to apitechnical lectures - stuff you kinda need to know so all your bees don't die.
      It was great. We drove - his dad, G et moi - to an old castle's renovated stables, where they now have a near-border centre for cultural and agricultural development, to listen to this guy talk about how to handle the bug that's been killing the bees these past few years - the Varoia Destructor. He started the lecture by saying lotsa young hipsters these days buy a couple of hives and play at being beekeepers, but know butt none of how to actually work the hive around the year and end up simply producing the abundance of the lethal parasite, which then spreads to all their neighbours.
      G and I sat there, thinking fuuuuuuuuck.
      It was a two hour lecture, and a great way to make you understand even now, way in, we know almost nothing about what we're doing. It's good G's dad is a 40-year veteran of this kind, because even he is amazed of all the new things you learn every time.
       The lecture was actually really good - he had this PowerPoint with funny, illustrative memes, stressing some stuff. Like a very thin lady, saying 'a bee like that in the start of winter will only last you until the new Year's dance'... and a photo of a pleasantly rotund lady next to her, and he said: 'But this, fat winter bee, this will bring you well into a healthy spring next year' ... :D
      This makes me a winter bee.
      We're thinking of moving a couple of the hives to pastures where my parents are - there are no beekeepers in those parts and the bloom is abundant. I know I don't want to take care of them on my own, I am not ready, but I'd love to add an observational hive to the lot and just allowed them to exist...

... In hopes of not ending up with a nest of fatal parasites.

Poor mum. She'll end up being the only one constantly stung for sure :D