... Literally taking a short break from going on a break :D We've hiked and explored for four days, saw a shitload of magnificent sights, but then a massive storm front rolled in and we decided to drive home over the weekend to shower, wash our clothes, download the pics from the camera cards and kick back. Weather permitting, we take off come Monday again, south-wards this time.
Am too tired to go into details now, but will, soon. If rainy, I'll tomorrow, promise.
Two idiots on top of Kota 1313 |
First light as seen from Kota 1313 |
Bog basins, a diving spot on Soča river... I think... |
What remains of the Fort Hermann, an old post overlooking the Isonzo valley, blown up during the WWI. |
Leaving Krn Lake |
Foggy lake Bohinj at seven in the morning ... |
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