Thursday, 24 January 2019

Can you get the flu and bacterial lung infection at the same time? Why, yes, yes you can.

Ok, so it's not the flu, it's more something like a threshold of pneumonia, but holy goat this shit hurts. I didn't know an adult in this day and age can get so awfully discomforted for no apparent reason. It's not like I fell in a frozen river. Okay, ye, I remember at least on one occasion I was moist from heavy lifting and then had to stand at the cashier's, which was in a draft from the outside parking lot. I figured, okay, sniffles, everyone's got sniffles in winter. But I can't barely make it up the stairs! I went to the doctor's and he looked at my throat and
    "I think I have the flu, doctor."
    "Uh. Oh. No, I'm afraid it's a little worse than that."

But at least it's bacterial. Viral you have to weather through, bacterial you can combat. There goes my pussy flora, but at least now I know not to fuck around with my mortality. I am not the racehorse I was when it was just me, being clever at home. Crikey, imagine getting this sick this fast outdoors on a hike. When you can't even move, let alone make a safe shelter. I can't stand long enough to make myself tea. When he was tapping my back, it felt like he was hitting me with a baseball bat. 

Scary, really.