Saturday, 29 February 2020
I'm watching this doc on Netflix about murder-by-torture of a little boy in Los Angeles, thinking - if this was fiction, nobody would buy a script like that's it's just total overkill. Like five different terrible lives happened to the same one boy. You mean he was stabbed AND strangled repeatedly? He had to sleep in a cubbie AND he was fed cat litter? He had a broken skull AND broken ribs that he had to pretend weren't there while going to school? He was shot with BB guns AND had his teeth knocked out? The trial is not so much about the parents as it is about the social workers and the sheriff's office who knew and did nothing and why was that case noting special until some random media outlet picked it up, but I haven't gotten that far in yet. So far I'm just watching and thinking: what a cheesy script, there's no way anyone would find this realistic. I forget how fucked up people can be.
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