Saturday, 9 May 2020

I should really stop going on Facebook. I ... ye ...

There are people in my town, or country, who are protesting the government (in general, not any specific sense) by riding their pushbikes around the street, making a little bit of noise with their honks and bells. Just once. Every few days. Like ... I have no idea what they want, and if you ask on Facebook whom they propose the government be replaced with - you know, the WHOLE government, like it's just one person - they tell you to go fuck yourself and that you are the problem... Mind, the government we had two months ago capitulated under this one we have now and it's the exact same corrupt shit it always is. We change them once every few months and really nothing changes. If you don't watch the news you don't even notice. We never had one people would actually like, but all in all, it's a bunch of politicians - what's to like? They made sure only 100 people died in the pandemic and stole a bunch of money. That's literally their only job. Keep people alive and steal money. 
     Imagine having someone not agree with you and in an exclamation of that disagreement hop on a bike and ride around town ringing their bell. 
     But I'm the problem.