Thursday, 27 August 2020

Leading ladies (and their hairstyles) of the 80s on iMDb

I'm looking at this photo gallery of famous actresses in some of their most famous roles of the 80, thinking, I cannot relate to a single one of these women. At all. They all seem either so impossibly fake or so impossibly dumb or so impossibly damaged, there is nothing realistic about them. Their roles are either fo super victims or super sexy or super supposedly romantically humorous. In real lives, too. Like the image they were told to portray in their public persona 'act' is either Fake, Forced or Dumb. Nothing even remotely 3-dimensional in any of their roles. Not saying these aren't all very tall, flawlessly engineered women, all wildly acceptable to the general public and many sporting a lot of hair, but ... Not a single one of them seems ... me. Just doesn't.

Forced to look Fake:

Forced to look Forced:

Forced to appear Dumb: