So, as fuckable villains go, this movie certainly has one, albeit he looks a bit Uruk Hai-ish in some scenes and it would not be the first deranged zombie I find romantically interesting, but for a change, there is at least a sense of character to him - how rarely do you go into a zombie movie and expect to root for the villains? With the exception of a crappy dull romance comedy from a few years ago, warm Bodies, I think it was, zombies rarely have anything to say. Even there, the guy eventually reverted. I would have loved to see a lot more of their hierarchy and stories.
So, the first rule for this flick is, do not, and I stress again, do NOT use your brain to watch it. It spoils the mood. The story makes absolutely no sense. I agree when people say that Snyder gets shit for not being Milosh Forman or some such, because if you go into this movie aware it's a retarded parody, it's one of the more enjoyable ones. The budget was impressive, the cast is lovely, (also re-cast is one of the cooler characters), the kills are awesome and the drama is peppered in, just enough to make you invested. You hate the slimy rapist guard, you feel bad about the dead baby alien zombie and you feel like shit when Dave Bautista dies. That man is HUGE, by the way. Holy fucking cow, those biceps.
Plus, you know, you get to see Vegas all fucked up, complete with zombie tigresses, ravaging strippers and explosions and there's Wagner and time paradoxes and architecture models with little helicopters on them and YouTubers being YouTubers and LOTS of shooting big fat guns. And there's a lot of negative commentary on the subject of slo-mo and depth-of-field, but I love that! I always loved a good death-of-field shit, COMBINED with slo-mo! Whoo! The glitter on the queen's dress, when she is going out of focus, or the scene where Zeus comes in from behind the plastic curtains. Come on. That's majestic. Anyone can make a depressing gloomy crappy dystopian wasteland zombie movie. But this is a Vegas zombie movie. there's sequins and Liberace and shit.
Since they mentioned it, everyone was hoping for that rain, right? :D
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