Wednesday, 30 November 2022

What a slow day...

 ... The last day of the sale. The upper target reached, almost all investments covered. (I still need to re-order a ton of envelopes - bland ones for normal traffic and pretty ones for traffic that's dubbing as human correspondence, so that French taxation doesn't come at me with a firing squad for the two sales I make to France yearly. (French wrapping tax is 80 bucks. German is 8.) And since new pans haven't yet arrived, I need to purchase the syringes to store new paint in until they do. They upped the price of the common 20 ml syringes by 200% overnight. I'm contemplating going back to washing them after use them. I swear, if I ever hire workers, one will be tasked just with washing used pans and suchlike. I'll be one of THOSE bosses :))))

     It's almost 11 in the morning and I haven't even woken up yet. My brain has slowed almost to a halt. (Though I am three days away from my period and I really need to get myself one of those grain-filled tummy pillows you can warm up in the microwave.) Going to bed early, sleeping till almost 8, shunning doggy walks, shunning reading, even jigsaw puzzles. I play a little Warcraft, watch a little bit of Netflix. It's drizzly and gray outdoors, I am sleepy, lazy and calm. Two or three more days. I feel like my whole existence is concaving to a little pile of worn clothes on the floor. Not in a bad way. In a comfy, sleepy, restful way. At this moment, all is good and I get to be completely and utterly bored, like a lazy kitten. 

     I am certain something shitty will happen soon enough. But for now, today, until 11am, I am as brainless and emotionless as a speck of dust tumbling in warm air above the radiator, my tummy full of cashews and the dog snoring gently in the corner..