Sunday, 18 October 2009

Hah! Hallow's End began today!

What a pleasant surprise! I woke up from a nightmare of having baby mice (as if they were actually my babies), result of an unfortunate disclosure of a former's colleague's story - his baby girl died 8 days old - 8 days of a true fight. She was never really meant to live, nothing went right since she was still in the womb, but she still made a run for it and saw what this life is like and then went to Heaven.. As consciously I feel nothing on the subject, subconsciously I'm prepared for at least a week of weird dreams.
     ... but there I go, waking up in the dark (it was something past four am) and expecting nothing but new fishing and cooking dailies, and the whole explosion of Hallowe'en decor and air blows up in my screen! Pumpkins everywhere! :D

Course the first thing that went down was someone transformed me into a fat old seal...

        Last year I didn't pay much attention to achievements and most holidays passed me by in 9o% of tasks, but this year, since I'm 8o and don't do instances up to my rank, I live for achievements like these :D