Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Same day as yesterday, mostly, minus some of the stress... Dad's getting better, he's getting cranky he can't go home yet. It's going to be St.Martin's day soon and he wants to shop and cook. It'll take a millstone to tie him down once he does get home. I'm running around, going to see him, looking for some updates, chauffeuring mum, looking for the dog, getting some McDonald's diner for people like normal people, trying to manage business deals and not sound rude to friends when I ignore their invitations... Tomorrow should be an easy day, just a business meeting in the morning (shower first, my hair is a mess) and the visit to dad in the afternoon... I put some silent Charlie Chaplin movies on the iPad, but he shunned them, saying he'd prefer some partisan Serbian flicks and some westerns... Picky bastard :D I've learned some Albanian words of politeness, because there's an Albanian man in the room who doesn't speak Slovenian and usually just smiles when people talk to him. 
Friday is seeing dad and then driving mum shopping and then going to the capital to the last lecture on detective agency management ... Saturday is shooting the firemen and the follow-up on the interview, I hope, then making pastry for the St. martin's feast, which is Sunday. 
These are all really mostly just running around errands, not much to show for by the end of the day... But I'm sooooo tired. I keep forgetting things. I'll go buy myself a cute planner I saw the other day. write down: go buy planner so as not to forget things. Don't forget. Okay? It's important.