Wednesday, 1 February 2017

“I am an avid student of kitsugi for one, and more importantly, getting your attitude from underneath your plastic-surgery-induced-coma remains the easiest and the hardest chapter of your haptics to date. Half of it stuck to the skin and wouldn’t be scrubbed off even if we tried. You were an incredibly stubborn carcase. And before you accuse me of it - I didn’t try to serve you back some skim-read version of your memories like a complete snake doctor, sieving them through some timely morality and an apex of a pop-referential jargon. I barely had to lift a finger. You left the front gate wide open. The bulk of it trickled through the umbilical cord to Marowit’s personality and trope guidelines as he inherited them along with the seat. You may think him an unworthy hiemal sun, but the connection ... I mean, I was the connection, now that I think about it. And I’m titanium.”

(Kay, assuring Morphei she knew what she was doing salvaging his optimism.)