Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Wisterias - and enough with the vegan photography

I had such a cute moment yesterday - I took 20 bucks from G's wallet while he was sleeping (in case this sounds strange - I am not allowed to have any cash on me, because ... you'll see what happens if I have even 3 bucks in my pocket..), offed to have coffee with dad who was in town, but dad gave me some change to pay for coffee, as he's another one of those who only allow a lady to pay if he's given them the money first (old school), so I still had 20 bucks intact AND JUST enough change to walk 4 miles to buy two packs of hobby buttons - one of two things I am addicted to, chocolate and buttons, then walked home with a few coins still left, about two euro, which I gave while crossing the street to the one bum i like - a man whose spirit has long vacated the premises, a very dirty, mumbling, very thin man who walks around the world talking to himself, pushing a black bike. He never rides it, he just pushes it and it's a miracle he's still alive (*don't jinx*), as sometimes he uses poor shoulders of country roads... 
 .... And on the next crossing I found ten bucks lying on the ground ... So at the end of the crazy morning, I was able to sneak 30 bucks back into G's wallet AND secretly spend an hour sorting the colorful buttons in jars until he woke up :D

I'm off to help dad in the vineyard now; G is still a bit off his game, still mostly sleeping. Am taking the ten bucks to buy us some vegan sandwiches I tried the other day, they are actually really juicy. 

And here are some dramatic wisterias. Now enough with the vegan photography.