Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Day 1

The professor and I offed to Rakitna hill and later St. Ana above the infamous (actually very famous, popular and pleasant) marshes outside the Capital, but she saw a Bear warning board and panicked so much we nigh but ran back to the car park. In truth there is a very agreeable, mildly elevated and thus windier and cooler forest park with an instructional route through two dozen or so stops giving lessons on the flora, fauna and historic significance of the bottleneck location. St. Ana was found better suited for her taste and she napped in the sun as I chased plants. We drove pass one of our 'sunk fields' or 'soaked valleys' - something that oftentime happens after the heavy rain in these parts. Later that day a May 1st bonfire was lit, the smell of which could be sensed all over the town next morning. (We light the heck out of bonfires on the eve before May 1st.) I was so tired later - she left to visit her parents for a few days - that I dozed off at six p.m. and woke up at one in the morning.