Friday, 15 June 2018

Baaah, two days of spraying the vineyard and this time without the General, who is still on sick leave: the kid stepped in. It took for eeever. Man, that was hard work. I ache all over. I insisted we spray twice as much as last time, because the weather kept fucking us over, drizzling and storming every so often and the infection - the peronosphora (Downy mildew) - already began to show on several plants, slowly spreading to adjacent ones up and down the terraces. With supper sunny mornings and damp rainy afternoons, the spread of mold or parasite like that is inevitable, and speedy. So, for a while I carried the buckets and Rockstar carried the monster-truck spray machine and then we switched a bit. The incline and wet grass are the worst bit - under such heavy loads 98% of energy goes to trying not to fall and break or slip something. We managed almost half yesterday and the rest today. People tend to severely underestimate General's effectiveness. That man is a titan, and a handy one at that. If he does the spraying and Rockstar and myself carry the buckets, we're finished in six hours.