For those who know me, I am mapping out the river that runs through my town, trying to walk as far as possible upstream. Now, obviously I know where it starts from, I've been there a dozen times, it's nice. And it's not like it's an Amazon - it's a teeny tiny river. The point is, I enjoy walking alongside of it immensely. So, feeling like I'm running out of summer, that's what I've been doing these past few days. The whole plan was to sleep outside another day and make it to a pretty pretty hill, where I promised to treat G to a sausage and sour kraut and beer if he comes to collect me. But between the shitty weather and him missing me and I falling out of good mood in the middle of the hike over some summer job negotiations, in pain and overheating, once I got lost and too tired, instead of - MY PACING ISSUES!! - taking a breather, making a small fire, making myself some food and taking a swim and a nap, as we talked, I just retired to the nearest tavern and awaited my rescue. The General is never slow to insult me, call me a pussy, a quitter, someone who constantly needs to be rescued and someone who, if need came and we would have to depend on, would represent certain demise... But in Reality, he can't sleep without me, he cannot bare me being sad and will, in two day's time, be the one to constantly ask: so, I'm supposed to be on my way by now, right? I'm coming to get you now, right?
Fucker even treated me to a burger and bought me a box of chocolates. In our vernacular, that's unlikely on a normal day :D
Don't let the 54 km line fool you - it's the shortest road there and I don't do main roads. I walk over country, through small villages and fields, I check out sights and curiosities and look for cute things to shoot.
Because I've done the start of this road plenty, I took a train until St.Martins and you can guess how soon once I stepped off it began to rain, despite supposedly two days of summer weather ... Ye, instantly.
This forest path goes alongside the main road pass Letuš - an awesome little river spot to bathe - if you're into super cold water...
I considered cotting in half hippy camp, next to a cataract, behind a cloister and above a watergate, but it all felt too civilised. Ultimately a lady whose bank I admired the river from offered I can easily spend the night there if I like. I didn't sleep all that particularly well, sticky and surrounded by geese, too hot at first and then too cold, but at least it didn't rain, not much:
Taken from my net tent, moon watched over me, frogs kept teasing the geese and other river fowl kept landing like it's not even Friday right next to me. It was beautiful, but exhausting.
Woke up - actually first finally fell asleep and I know, because I drooled all over the sleeping bag bag, which I stuffed with spare clothes for a makeshift pillow, at first light and brushed my teeth standing knee-deep in the water while the geese studied me. Then moved on.
Really hard to say where in the valley the river is, eh? |
The weather was constantly on and off - super hot and sunny, then just about to pour, then super sunny again. Very humid, often unpleasant. Or at least the first few drops very pleasant and then it gets uncomfy again, under the raincoat.
I managed to get into two T-stop situations, the latter being 'fatal' for my morale, but the first one was so cute. The map led me to a farm, where the farmer turned off the electric fence so I could reach a footbridge on the other side of the hill. A flock of deranged sheep came at me for bothering them, so I had to run a little and then cross the bridge, where they wouldn't follow, but it was so funny. Not every day does one get bullied by clouds.
These woods - and there were plenty, taaaaall spruces and low moss, looked ideal for mushroom hunting. I really want to go back there. I mean, with a car this time :D Car and dog.
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