Wednesday, 21 November 2018

It's gotten cold the couple past days; in fact I've been unusually chilly going out, battling sniffles and outdoorsy melancholy - weather feels transient, not yet winter white, no longer autumn orange, and heavy and dull. I'm perfectly fine indoors, doodling with my stamps, carving erasers to make more, looking to construct my own paper-making sieve from stuff I have laying around the house. Gran's in the hospital with pneumonia, I hope she's well soon; am on my way to visit her in a bit, visiting hours are at 15:00. I was looking for something to binge watch, settled on Boston Legal. I tried with Ray Donovan first, but that show's a downer. All the sex is angry and everyone feels quite doomed. Ironically I really liked Schreiber's portrayal of Marty Baron in Spotlight, film also touching on the subject of priests abusing kids. Boston Legal, on the other hand, touches upon some serious matters in a pleasantly clownish way. All the sex in that show is comical.
Am saving all my spare change for a promised trip to Ikea one of these weekends, otherwise I'd be on my way to the arts&crafts shop right now, to check if they really got a whole palette of new pigments from Schmincke. I am still riding the high of accumulating the miniature watercolors, priced around 6 bucks per pop, which is about as much as I manage to accumulate in three or four days. There's just something in my life about hiding spare change from G, then running across town to purchase a thimble of beauty. I have 78 of them so far. I think about 100 more to go. Though I only really have room for maybe fifteen in the box. I don't want all of them. You don't really need more than three or four yellows, greys or oranges. If the pigment retains its luminosity, you can only have one orange and then mix it with yellows, reds, browns or golds to make any color you want. Course Schmincke made an effort to argue that by adding greens, blues, reds or browns to grey to make all kinds of pretty. I have three greys so far. I think I'm fine.