Friday, 14 December 2018

Booklet of paint

Made myself a chart booklet, because a lady on YT said if you're stuck while working, making charts and tests helps keep you warm. I now know what transparent and opaque means, in relation to w.c. quality :D It didn't use to matter, because I always used w.c. as one would use tempera anyway, my drawings having been too small and detailed for making the most of some proper waterworks.
       Schmincke not having Vintage Rose color, which is one of my fav, I made a few gouache alternatives into a macaroon tray. There was a cheap 24 piece w.c. set in a shop today, but having bought it, it's a bit of a beginner issue to the quality I'm operating on these days. Not the worst, but not the world leading either. But Drej was right about buying fairly cheap brushes sizes 1 and under, because it doesn't matter how good the bristle is, pushing that miniscule tip around paper that rough fucks it up within weeks. So it's just as well if you buy a one dollar brush or twenty, if you can use it for really thin line, as long as you can.