Monday, 29 April 2019

GoT S08 Episode 3 (Spoilers, yo.)

Okay, so I'd have done it differently and all the fan force galore and their theories, some exceptionally good, (so good the reality was disappointing by comparison) have all proven moot. But it was a good episode. Makes you remember why there must always be a Stark in Winterfell. Starks, combined, more or less, keep it standing. 

I told G that I'd have loved to see NK enter the crypts and walk towards Sansa or something like that and end them all to keep her as his statuesque frozen mute bride. The General said: why would anyone want an annoying nagging broad after winning? He doesn't reproduce that way. Only thing worse than a nagging broad is warm beer and since he's an ice king, he has no problem with warm beer. 

There were some AWESOME slo-mo shots of Severian in this episode, some exceptionally Sephirothian, really cool music timed just right (fuck, that face ... who launched a thousand cockless armies), or creepy silences  in the dark, Hound waking up out of his fear of fire for his love of Arya, Tyrion re-proposing Sansa in a way, the Red witch telling Arya about shutting blue eyes and Arya then doing her ninja knife swap move on our boi, which makes little sense considering he already has a black glass shard in his heart, but ... Oh, no, wait, that knife was Valyrian steel on one end, right? Right, okay, that makes more sense. All in all, with the soundtrack, montage, with Bran's face, with NK's face, nobody blinking, with fire and snow, the mindless despair of it all, cheating wildly with raising the dead in mid-game, I have no fucking idea how many dragons made it, it was a great episode. There would have been a way to make him seem nicer if he communicated more with Bran, like if someone said something to the other or if he, after being stabbed, would just collapse or something, to Bran's feet, and Bran would finally remove the shard and liberate his torment. I'll read into their microscopic facial expression changes that Bran checked out NK's heart and NK was all like: you think you know me, minnow?

Nobody really important died and the only really sad death was the little bitch countess. Now that Martin is no longer in charge there's clearcut 'good guys' and 'bad guys' and good guys win and live.

Dark, terrible, scary and broody. They did good. May go a little downhill afterward, but that's okay. 

Now we're back to fighting normal people for normal reasons. Gods, I hope nobody survives and the last shot of the entire episode is not some smiley sunrise and a couple holding a baby or shit like that, but Sevarian's frozen corpse in the ice far North, sleeping, still existing by the ugly magic that made him in the first place, waiting for the next comet to bring fire magic back-