I appreciate your sense of drama, brain, thank you, you get points for effort, but ... you're over-shooting. Keep it down a notch. Keep it plausible.
So, G utters this tiny phrase, in Slovenian: Misli vsiljivke. "Thoughts which push themselves in." Like intruding thoughts. Intrusive thoughts. And I'm like ... what do you mean? There's a name for it besides IMAGINATION? My brain constantly trying to push more drama into my life is ... normal??
So I try to google them and OCD keeps popping up. And suddenly I have this list of features people with OCD generally display:
- awful aversion to being touched(dude, I just slept for five hours because a dentist put his hands into my mouth)
- washing their hands fifty times a day (Fuck yes)
- hoarding (Oh, good gods, yes)
- freaking out if things are out of symmetry (Yeeeesss...So?)
- obsessing about injuries (Constantly. Like. CONSTANTLY)
- inappropriate violent or sexual fantasies (Er ... inappropriate? What does that entail?)
- stacking things ... (I worked in a dollar store. I staked like the devil.)
and so on. What the fuck are inappropriate sexual fantasies? Being gangbanged by twenty orcs is called fan fiction. Thinking of G horribly killed by robbers is what I do every day. Both my parents dead is what I think first when they don't answer the phone. Having cancer is what I think first when my stomach hurts from eating warm pudding. World ending is what I think about when I pack my camping gear. Murdering autistic children is what I do for practise while I'm writing. It's called having an imagination. I am actually insulted if I run into a subgenre on Porhub I'm not familiar with. How does anyone dare have more imagination than me!
... LoL, Wiki says: Sexual obsession involves intrusive thoughts or images of "kissing, touching, fondling, oral sex, anal sex, intercourse, and rape" with "strangers, acquaintances, parents, children, family members, friends, coworkers, animals and religious figures", involving "heterosexual or homosexual content" with persons of any age.
So .... fucking?
I don't get it. What's bad about thinking about sex? Sex is fun.
Wiki: Common sexual themes for intrusive thoughts for men involve “(a) having sex in a public place, (b) people I come in contact with being naked, and (c) engaging in a sexual act with someone who is unacceptable to me because they have authority over me.” While common sexual intrusive thoughts for women are (a) having sex in a public place, (b) engaging in a sexual act with someone who is unacceptable to me because they have authority over me, and (c) being sexually victimized.
I still don't get it. How is that any different from how one thinks about sex every day? I mean ... If THIS qualifies for inappropriate, what is appropriate? Having a guy ride to you on a horse and tend to your twisted ankle while his shirt is a little moist from rain? Who writes this shit?
😂🤣 yeah...does sound like OCD
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