Monday, 19 July 2021

Okay, I take it back. We fucked the climate. This year has been ridiculous. No snow, which means all of the insects and ticks survived tenfold, then it rained all through blooming season, starving the bees, then no fruit grew, so birds ate all the insects and berries and roe deer ate all the gardens, then frost hit and ruined the crops, then draught hit, keeping the temperatures absurdly high for well over a month and now all that water came down in western Europe, causing some towns to look like the armageddon was nigh. Yes, I know all of these are just minor inconveniences, nothing really changes or affects normal people, everyone will still worry about getting the new iPhone and whom will Kim Kardashian marry next, that ugly little girl Greta something will get more money to yell at conventions, politicians will appear sad for five minutes, promising betterment, the world will move on, but my pessimistic brain will always think: what if this is just the first of many very interesting years to come? Surely OUR rivers are better regulated in case of overload, right? Right?