Friday, 23 July 2021

That man would have made a tremendous detective, if I thought our lives would be more interesting him sticking his neck out. He also makes for a much better actor than me, and can actually pull off a surprise. 

     Today was a nigh perfect day, with a small exception of getting a chicken Pad Tai which included prawns and has made me sick. But the surprise sex in the morning was sublime - I was caught so unaware of his intention, the whole event was over in an hour and I had no time to formulate any kind of emotional shackle to drag him to either breakfast or Ikea or the bookstore - smash, and he was gone. Then I met with a friend and had a nice coffee and later the Pad Tai at an open kitchen market - in theory, a lovely event, but for the prawns. Later I returned to town on a whim, desiring a desert (cottage cheese and walnut 'struklji' to which I added some raspberry jam, ground roasted hazelnuts and ice-cream), thinking of going to the bookstore a day prematurely (been saving the money all week.). I picked books about Moss and an Atlas of Vanishing Places ... and everyone in line before me was cashing in the travel vouchers, which you can now obviously use for literature, too. This was impossibly tempty. A 100 bucks for more books? Arrrrr ... Alas, last year's spa vacation was so pleasant, I really want to do it again. I want to take G glamping or something with indoor pools and a buffet restaurant, something where none of us wears bleeding blisters, where we can spend a whole week having sex and watching TV/reading in bed. 

      Of course, because he is a literary incubus, G asked to get him some vacation reading material on the subject of war crimes, and to spend the rest of the voucher on some more off my list. Damnit!! I cannot resist twice in a row!! It's all I can think about now! There are so many books I didn't get yet!

        I wanted to add, earlier, how he found me - not using the shared location, because that doesn't work properly lately. But he calculated exactly when I usually call him in the morning, Google-satellite-mapped the parking strategy of the street, dug up my old postcard-address-book, and reverse-considered the window, as I send him a lot of photos of the basking cat underneath it. Freakishly methodic creature. And he smells SO good and fucks soooo well. Guess I should get him some books, then :D