Sunday, 13 February 2011

Ai No Kusabi

I came across one of those hefty yaoi mangas that I haven't been interested in since I nearly killed myself, watching Cawboy Bebop. It's called Ai No Kusabi and it's a super dark, tragic and more than a little in-your-face tale of caste discrimination and undiluted love, disguised as pure hatred. It's basically about people being separated by their genetic predisposition and in such a way their hair color speaks for them. The fairest are the elite and the dark haired ones are scum. The elites may take 'pets', often teenagers from the gutter and tame them for sex slaves. Well, one of the popular elites takes a gang leader that takes ages to tame and then kind of plays him for the psychological cat and mouse in which it's hard to tell who's the sadist ad who the masochist. Truth is, one does painfully love the other, just has no opportunity to make that a good thing. Ultimately the pet is kidnapped by the jealous gang member and castrated to be set free of the 'pet ring' that chains him and the elite owner gets a leg amputated in a rescue attempt. They die by inhaling poison intentionally and together, to the shock and grief of people who knew them.
           Like I said, it's ridiculously sad. The sex scenes are a might powerful. But there is no was I would watch it start to end, no matter how good I know it is. Knowing that Spike and Vicious die together also turns my heart to a stepped on bunch of grapes.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I so love this story even though the ending was so heart breaking. :)

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO you could have warned me about spoilers. Dx Perhaps if I'm lucky my selective amnesia will kick in any minute lol...

Lillith Raven said...

To tell u the truth I knew the existance of this yaoi anime but I just didn't dare ever watch it cause the art isn't satisfying enough. But with the plot layed out for me I think I'll watch it after all! Napkins on the ready! :D