Saturday, 9 November 2019

Found a gray hair!

... I kid you not, I found a grey hair on my peanut. I thought I saw it the other day, but not G confirms it. my first gray hair. He says it's 158.000 : 1 now, since he's turned almost entirely grey in the years he's been with me. I do have that effect on people. 

let's try to find the reason, shall we? besides me not being quite the spring chicken. I suppose my most vehement and distasteful thought of the past few days has been about a kiss that would sink a few ships. Contemplating it, I believe that if you desire to, a kiss can be almost as damaging as a bullet. Namely, if I kissed a person - proper kiss, not some half-arse sisterly affair - a very particular person, and they kissed back - just once, just one kiss - their marriage would be over, my marriage would be over, the solid friendship between g and them would be for ever done and G would never trust another human being again, or even socialize, for that matter; their entire family would feel confused, betrayed, the foundation of their lives, calm and soft and trusting, shattered, unforgivable, and my own in-laws, and my family members, too, would all stop speaking to me for ruining something as magnificent as G and I have.

Because, really, it makes you wonder - and only a kiss can do this - if it was a shitty relationship, nobody would notice and nothing would fall to pieces, but because it is a tremendous relationship, something as simple as a kiss would explode it. Such is the potential energy of a steady relationship. 

No wonder I have a gray hair, thinking about such dangerous things. Destroying twenty or so lives with just one act of sweet attraction. Really makes you wanna go there, just to see the carnage :D 

Okay, stop. This is juggling loaded handguns. And we are talking about hunters, too. 

Although, on a funny note, I asked a pal about distracting a capable rifleman, who seems immune to my jinx, and she said to flash him my tits. I remarked, clearly you've never been on a winter hunt - each f us wears around nineteen layers of clothing. It would take half an hour to get there. kind of defeats the purpose of a flash.

Devastating hunt today, because I was not allowed to come along. Big old boys club. But I am coming with tomorrow, so Herne and Lesnik, quit chasing booze and broads, get your shit together and let's hold his.