Monday 20 January 2020

Warcraft 8.3

I was thinking, with everything that's been going on in Warcraft lately ... the SIZE of that damn game. I, who have been playing it since, well, 1.2, and for all intents and purposes know every last bit of it, even I have no sense of the scale of the thing anymore. It is so impossibly massive with such impossibly detailed lore and fleshed out characters, it takes someone literally a decade and more to comprehend it. I was thinking this, because while trying to repair Azeroth's wounds, I was sent to revisit some of the old, not just patches of land, but dimensions and illusions. Dreams, undergrounds, echoes and parallel timelines. That is ON TOP of a massive map spanning well over three worlds. To me, they all make sense, because I was there when those things were either ripped into existence or toppled out of it and I know the names of those who destroyed and saved it. Fuck it, I've watched Anduin grow up and I almost came last week, when he sucker-punched that faggoty self-righteous thundercunt Wrathion in the dumb face. I still have the likeness of Hellscream as my phone locked-screen and believe deeply in my Horde. I read the books. I watch Nobbel's YouTube channel on specific individuals and their histories. Heck, just the other day I negotiated an alliance with the Vulperae for the dubious Baine. We have clever little foxes in our ranks now! And the allies can ride giant bees! All the while the world is literally crumbling to pieces under our feet. How awesome is that?