Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Bishko, one of my cats, needed shots last night to deal with her microsporum or sth., and the vet warned me not to get scratched or bitten during. So of course I said naaah, Bishop is a cushy nice kitten, she won't scratch or bite, while I wrapped her in a towel and looked away (I hate the sight of medical injections.) I was probably thinking Lyra, who never even noticed she's being given a shot.

Well, yes. That went as predicted. And because the vet said sometimes flea poop stays under cat's claws and infects the wound, one's glands will be affected, I now have a swollen red stab wound on my wrist and my hand hurts like Hell. 

Of course it does. 

I could have been wearing an anti b*mb suit and I would still get stabbed by a dirty kitten claw in this story.