Monday, 6 April 2020

Not scarab at all

The General: "Shit collector caterpillar."
              Me: "Are you ... trying to say ... dung beetle?"
The General: "Yes."

Nothing is worse to the General than thinking he may be breaking or he has broken a rule. When he realised too late that his driver's licence has expired, it rendered him completely miserable and restless. We are talking - he realized on Sunday eve and because you have to make an appointment at the municipality office and he couldn't get them to answer the phone in this town, he asked to go to his home town. Meaning I had driven him there - it's two towns removed,  about ten miles - but because that is not allowed these days without good reason (he assumed this was not a good enough reason), he was even more miserable. All of this was a single morning's happenstance. We got up at five-thirty to be at the general store at six, where I had to wait in the car, because only one shopper is allowed at a time, and then we went home, where I went back to sleep. At eight he woke me, we drove to his town, where he got the temporary licence and later, at around noon, he got the proper one. So, technically, not half a day went by during which was semi breaking/bending the rules/guidelines. And it bent him completely irate. 

He later tried to pet call me a scarab, but didn't know the word for a dung beetle, he just knew how to describe it. It sounds really cute in our language, wherein it makes more sense :D