Thursday, 9 April 2020

I get these shitty, elaborate, movie-like nightmares, which usually don't really have a proper closure ending. Today it was again about the virus, of course, because I can have fun with end-of-world scenarios while awake, but in dreams, the dread catches up. Usually. In the dream, we were having a picnic family party, so of course we all got sick, because it was a family of doctors and they all claimed the one guy showing symptoms was just having seasonal hay fever. So they took us to this old makeshift hospital/barracks, just as the 18/month shift of nurses was coming out, and they were messed up. Not so much because it would be really really dreadful - in which case a sort of adventure mode kicks in and people deal with it a lot better - but because it was an endless dreary and that sucks all the cheer out of you no matter what you are. There were army beds in the barren building, something I sort of like, and was nervous that we will all be able to sleep together, have a little adventure of our own, trying to organize some pastime for those not bedridden, which nobody cared about. The people were put in beds two at a time, opposite direction. Very few doctors, very few nurses. I joined the doctor for the morning rounds, as he just talked to people, there wasn't really much of anything they could do. Like, they got to this very old man and the doctor said they will take the gag and restraints off him today, if he proves he's gotten a lot better - by squeezing the doctor's finger. Poor old man could neither see nor squeeze the finger, so the restraints stayed on, no matter how he begged to be released. (It seemed to cause some sort of violent seizures, this virus). And so on. Whole endless movie or heartbreaking cases of old people begging to be helped and me trying to keep up the group's cheer completely unsuccessfully.