Monday, 13 April 2020

Diablo III, The Flayed

By far the most horrific sights in a game build of horrific sights, is a chamber the General reached once and I never got as far, until now. It is halfway to Hell and while you circle down, there are these flayed, chained behemoths, still alive, trapped, suffering in anguish. I don't know whom or what they are, but they seem evil even in their torment. I should probably check, though. Like, who comes up with this shit? What are their instructions? Build me a path that will give players nightmares for years?

uh. Update: Oh, yeah, I know now what they are. see, if you look closer, that entire structure is covered in skin which still seems alive sometimes, full of putrid boils and greasy hair patches and scar tissue. The behemoths are where that skin comes from.

Good times.