Thursday 13 February 2020

General's line of the week

G returns to bed in the middle of the evening, (we woke up and decided to continue watching Dredd.) He spoons behind me and we watch the movie on a laptop. 

Me: Um ... is that my toffee pudding I smell on your breath?
G: Damn, I was hoping to disguise it with your raspberry chocolate and your diet Coke. 

General, the toffee pudding thief, doesn't like toffee pudding, he only likes chocolate. So I usually make about 20 cups for him and four for myself, on account of not being able to each much solids. He goes through his lot in two days like a storm. I guess inertia makes him switch to mine. 
    (I have a drawer in the fridge that contains 'my' things, things I don't want others to eat. That drawer is sacred!)