Tuesday 7 April 2020

Fickidy feck, they started closing mailing routes to ... well, most places. You can't ship parcels anymore, not the regular way. You can still do it using a courier service like FedEx or DHL, which, unlike 8 bucks I usually pay for shipping, charge something like 32 bucks. For 120 gram shipments. I may as well close my shop right now. Most my orders are around 35 bucks, no shipping allowed for US, as Etsy gifts 35 bucks orders to clients for free on your behalf. 

I'll wait a few days to see if anything changes. The order to Greece from a month ago got stuck in the distribution centre even though I mailed it two days before closing borders. The General is seeing into retrieving it, and getting the fuckos to at least pay my shipping back. Then I'll try to mail it via a courier. Dumb fucking fucks. Luckily, the customer hasn't complained yet.