Saturday 27 April 2019

Spent an unexpectedly lovely day all over the place. It was gonna rain, so we made no plans to go to anyone's estate to lend hands, but once we woke up and stopped fooling around and the clouds were too high for rain, we mutually proposed to go uphill to my parents' place and try to mow the vineyard. It is not as easy as it sounds, even with two people doing it. I use the four-wheel garden mower and G uses the carried-on-his-back stick saw mower - I should be able to do the level parts and he the terraces. Unfortunately, none of the terrain is so easily classified - most of the terraces have collapsed and my mower cannot get through the lines and what's worse, the grass in some parts is so fine and dense it keeps killing the spin. The blade continues to get literally glued to the mush salad it creates, meaning I have to topple the machine aside, get it unstuck and then try and start it again, even though these things don't enjoy starting when they're too hot. And my favorite bit - the terrain is so steep that getting the mower from one terrace to the next requires the entirety of my strength WHILE I am holding onto something, lowering it - the damn thing has no breaks and if I were to slip, it would either hurt me or roll off the hill into the valley. 
      By the time I did what I could and reached the orchard, which means the end of the vineyard, I was so tired I could not lift my arms. 
      Meanwhile, although the clouds kept rolling over, threatening storms, mum used a small spray to apply pesticides to the shoots and dad made chicken for lunch. Yummy chicken salad. I showered the General in the meanwhile, because when you're using the stick mower quite a bit of the meadow finds its way into your overall appearance. It is not an exaggeration when I say you are green when you're done and in need of good scrubbing. 
      All along our plan was to go see the Avengers: Endgame, early show, my treat, our first time in the movies this year. G won't admit to liking it, but it was a good movie and it helped that I've seen most of the ones building up to it, even the bad ones. It made even more sense that there were no - spoilers! - end credits in this one (While G nagged, because he is not the type to sit through credits) and when the credits rolled through you could hear a collective: Oh, the fuck?! thorough the remaining sitters. Adorable. 
      Lastly, we had an impromptu McDonald's snack dinner, getting some yummy burgers and ice-cream and we're just chilling now. Good sleep, good food, good sex, good exercise, good movie, good coffee, good post-movie debate. All in all a good, improvised (except for the film) Saturday and, complete with dramatic weather, one of those perfect chill days. I'm editing some photos now, slowly, listening to YouTube Night King theories galore, watching my paints dry, and G's watching how to make your own ax using medieval technology. Dog's passed out from chasing goat-willow seeds through the air all morning.