Friday 12 April 2013

Another unexpectedly beautiful day. Could the spring actually finally be here? I was gonna skip work today and go shopping just a little, but my family was in town and they interrupted me. Had coffee with them and they snared me to come with them uphill. Sis bought a load of plants that needed planting, including a coffee plant. Hello :D I was gonna propose to write his biography to dad and sort of seeded the concept which will, hopefully, nag him enough to make him wanna try... When he asked why, I simply said, he's by far the most interesting person I've met. After a pause we both laughed and agreed my standarts have significantly lowered. Oaf :)))  But it was mum's garden-making that captivated it eventually and I ran the end of my term, airing the soil of her patch and adding cow poo to it profusely, to make it super. My mum is ridiculously meticulous when it comes to turning the soil over, picking out every last stone and weed, making these tiny flower beds, with paths and careful rotation planning. I just love to do the menial parts. not so much the meticulous bits. The wind started blowing summat awful, but it was warm and very April-y. (I still caught a cold. I've been meaning to catch one, a small one, so I elevate my immune system in the long run.) Heavy clouds, hot sun, heavy clouds, hot sun... Lastly i stomped deep holes for her bean pikes, till I could lift the iron no longer. If I had been striking the same spot, I would eventually struck oil. Finally, worn out for the morning, I rolled downhill back to own, lamenting over the fact I came up so quickly I forgot to take the mutt.
          On the way down through the woods, I called the General about fifteen times, teasing and luring him into coming to meet me and coming to check out new pushbikes at the sports stone - but alas, those only arrive tomorrow. So we went to check out a new wheelbarrow for dad's BD. For reasons mysterious, General allowed me to drag him to test the new snack place, "Cooking Fly" - which I've been wanting to since I first noticed it.
           Awwww, that was sooo cool! They serve somewhat more healthy food than I would normally appreciate, but my body wants and needs stuff that's wet and crunchy, so I just gorged on it - even the orange food bits. We had wholewheat pancakes, he with chicken, curry and some other exotic stuff, me with pumpkins, peppers, mozzarella and some herb sauce. And kuskus veggie salad. We got home made, very nice unsweetened tea for free. We could have had soups and deserts of the similar 'healthy variety, but in truth, we were too full to push it. A vine fly came by and Gen said: oh, look, the boss! :))) It did leave us awfully in need of something sweet, though, I noticed. General went home and ate some čokolino, I added Nupos to my make-up cart. (Suddenly, in my desperate need of spring, I am starting to use make-up again.) 
          At the library, adorable good news when I had my card re-made (I keep losing that one) and I asked about my yearly fee, the librarian said I won't be charged a fee this year. Because?? Because I helped salvage the books from flood last autumn. Seriously?? I didn't do that for the free card, I did it to save Snufkin! That was so cool. 
          We met with Drej to talk my tomorrow over-seeing her fair. Nice coffee closure of the afternoon. (There was also some editor ping-pong meanwhile, but nothing enough to spoil my good mood.) I'm waiting for the Gen to return home with the youngling, we're thinking about going to the movies. Unless I get called on a business date. Fine by me either way. I've done some work and played some Warcraft and unexpectedly gotten through a difficult dungeon at last. Am not complaining at all.

General's sex line of the day. 
I said I'm missing some tenderness, attention to detail and slow pace one usually gets in lesbian lovemaking and he summed it up: so basically you're saying I should go down on you tonight or you'll become a dyke? Seriously. Men.