Monday 8 June 2020

Getting to the dentist today, the poor man stated: 'Today isn't going to be painful, just a bit uncomfortable' ... and of course ten seconds in, he figures: Fuck it. Let's just give you the painkillers. 

Sorry, mister. Even just the sound of the drill causes me to have a gag reflex. 

Today they took the mould, I think, and stuck in the ... whatever they attach the fake onto. He told me to get the lot X-rayed, to see at least if it is indeed the sinus causing my ache. He used some kind of an electricity something to prod the teeth to find how ... nerved they are? Unnerved? I don't know. They are my teeth, nothing normal about them. They never NOT hurt. It's like a leaky bucket. Always something.

On the plus side, he did compliment me on how white they are. I smirked, thinking he's being patronising, with all the coffee I drink. But they actually are. Fairly bright teeth. They may be ugly, brittle and crumbly, but they are bright :D Yay.